Citrine Sunela Stone

Citrine gemstone is a warm yellow-hued gem which is also known as the Sunela stone. You’ll get a clear mind with clarity and confidence because of the properties of an original citrine stone. The stone will keep you under an optimistic approach. It will keep you down-to-earth and activate the energy centers of your body. Sacral chakra and Solar Plexus chakras will be activated by the positive vibes of the Sunela. They will remove the negative energies from you and the ones that are surrounding you. The positive aura will soothe you and let you breathe with ease. This will help you with self-improvement.

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Citrine (Sunela)

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Citrine (Sunhela) Gemstone

Citrine stone is a semi-precious gemstones also known as Sunhela Stone in Hindi. The color of Citrine Gemstone from yellow and goes up to golden brown. That means you can opt for a Citrin stone that ranges between these colors.

When it comes to the gemstone family of Citrine, it belongs to the Quartz mineral family. It is believed that Sunhela acts as an alternative to high-end Yellow Sapphire when the goal is to acquire wealth and bliss, improve social status, and boost knowledge.

Benefits of Citrine Gemstone

The striking healing properties of Citrine have been attracting the attention of people for ages. One of the main reasons for the popularity of this gemstone is its affordable price.

Not only the appealing appearance but the incredible benefits have made Sunhela one of the sought-after gemstones. It is time to have a look at some of the incredible benefits of Citrine stone.

Boosts Analytical Abilities & Learning Capabilities

Citrine stone is believed to offer positive impacts on learners by helping to improve their ability to learn. That means if you are a student, job seeker preparing for interviews, or research professional, Citrine may be an ideal option for you to enhance your learning skills.

Consult an expert today about the compatibility of Citrin with you. And when it comes to buying a Citrine gemstone, look no further than Rashi Ratan Bhagya. They offer only 100% natural gemstones.

Enhances Financial Growth & Improves Professional Career

Since Citrin is associated with the planet Jupiter, it can help the wearer to acquire abundance, growth, and wisdom. So, entrepreneurs and professionals can achieve financial growth and career advancement upon wearing Sunhela.

In addition, Citrine helps the wearer to cover monetary losses or get rid of unnecessary expenses. When it comes to developing personality, boosting self-confidence, and releasing financial stress, Citrine can prove to be a great support system.

Acts as a boon to relationships

Citrine Gemstone can help to keep discords in relationships at bay. So, couples, experiencing tension in their marriages, can ask an expert about their compatibility with Citrin. This gemstone also helps to clear obstacles when it comes to conceiving a baby for couples.

How to wear Citrine stone

You need to know the process of wearing a gemstone to acquire the maximum benefits. It applies to Citrine as well. Moreover, Citrine or Sunhela represents the planet Jupiter (a powerful planet to attract great fortune), so it is a must to execute the correct set of rituals in this regard.

Let us first know about the compatible metals with Citrine so that you can gain the maximum advantages along the way:

  • You can wear a Original Citrine gemstone as a pendant or a ring. The most compatible metal with Citrine is gold. Otherwise, you can also opt for Panchdhatu to wear Sunhela.
  • Wear your Citrine ring on your right hand’s index finger. There is an appropriate day for wearing a gemstone, and it is Thursday for Citrin. Moreover, you must wear it at the dawn of Shukla Paksha. Make sure you wear it before sunrise.

Now, it is time to know about the Puja process to wear a natural citrine gemstone:

  • You need a couple of items to purify and energize the Citrine pendant or ring before wearing it.
  • Take a metal bowl and place your pendant or ring inside it.
  • Now, keep adding Ganga Jal, Indian Basil or Tulsi leaves, unboiled cow’s milk, honey, and clarified butter or ghee to the bowl.
  • Now, start chanting the below mantra to energize your pendant or ring.
  • “Om Gram Greem Groom Saha Gurvey Namah”
  • You need to recite the mantra 108 times to complete the energizing process.
  • Allow the Citrine ring or pendant to rest inside the bowl for five to ten minutes. Once the time is up, you can take it out at once and rinse it with water. The final step is to wear the gemstone properly.

Citrine stone price

The Original Citrine Gemstone in india or Sunela price in any part of the citrine is depend on origin and 4C's factor are consider of the benchmark to evaluate the quality and price of a Citrine Gemstone. On average, the cost for Citrine (Sunela Stone) in India begins at INR 400 – 1100 per carat. Moreover, the original Sunela stone price also depends on the types of treatment they undergo to enhance brilliance and clarity.


You should always buy high-quality gemstones to acquire the maximum benefits and get the appropriate value of your expenditure. It goes for Citrine as well. So, do not forget to check and ensure the source, cut, clarity, and color before finalizing your decision.

You can rely on Rashi Ratan Bhagya to buy 100% natural gemstones at a cost-effective price. A Citrine stone of the highest quality should be unheated and untreated. Moreover, it should be of vibrant golden-yellow color with adequate transparency.


Russia, the USA, Myanmar, Bolivia, Brazil, and Madagascar are the sources of Citrine mines. Although Sunhela is available in different variations (based on the origin), Brazilian Citrine is the most popular one. The color and transparency of Brazilian Citrine are appreciated around the world. However, African mining regions also produce high-quality Citrin Quartz.

Citrine Stone Care & Cleaning

You should keep cleaning your Citrine stone ring or pendant from time to time to protect its appearance. Use warm, soapy water to clean Sunhela. Do not opt for steam cleaning for Citrine, as heat can affect this gemstone.

Types and Origin of Sunhela Gemstone

Citrine stone is historically significant and is said to be similar to the Sun's vitality and optimism. Despite the similar availability, natural Citrine is considerably pricier. In its natural form, Citrine is typically light yellow and translucent and can be found in Myanmar, Bolivia, Zambia, Madagascar, and Brazil.

We create processed versions of citrine by heating amethyst and quartz, resulting in a beautiful golden brown color. The main types of citrine are as follows:

  • Golden Citrine: As the name suggests, the stone's golden tint captivates people who wear it. Its hue represents the crown chakra and works well for various bodily illnesses.
  • Yellow Citrine: Yellow Citrine is also known as lemon citrine because of its vivid yellow tint. The stone promotes positivism, attracts prosperity and good fortune, and concentrates on its survival.
  • Fire Citrine: This pink-orange gemstone promotes self-confidence and mental wellness. It is processed for the desired hue at Brazil's mines.
  • Palmeira Citrine: Astrologers consider it one of the most efficient types: vivid orange.
  • Madeira Citrine: "Madeira" means woody or wood-colored in Portuguese. Heating amethyst produces a reddish-brown color spectrum.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Sunela Stone:

Que. How much should I spend to buy a Citrine Gemstone?

Ans. The price of sunela depends on its source, color, carat weight, cut, and clarity. The highest-quality Citrine Gemstone comes with deep yellow color with incredible clarity for which you need to spend approx. INR 400 per carat (around $6).

Que. Are you looking for a budget-friendly Citrine gemstone?

Ans. Then, you can opt for a lighter shade one, which is priced at INR 200 per carat (around $3). Rashi Ratan Bhagya offers original Citrine gems in different sizes.

Que. Can Citrine be a substitute for Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire?

Ans. Although Citrine can be chosen as an alternative to Yellow Sapphire, it may need some time to generate results. However, you can consider Thailand Yellow Sapphire when it comes to the most effective alternative to Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire.