Frequently asked questions about Cat's Eye Stone :
Que. Is Cat’s Eye Stone Lucky?
Ans. Yes, Cat's Eye Stone is a lucky gemstone for those who have planet Ketu sitting in low degrees in their horoscope. The stone is believed to bring Good luck in life.
Que. How Do You Identify a Real Cat’s Eye Stone?
Ans. A Original lahsuniya ratna has a sharp, brighter, well-defined, and central ring of light that glides smoothly over the surface when turned.This is called chatoyancy effect.
Que. Where Can I Buy a Cat’s Eye Chrysoberyl?
Ans. When purchasing a Original Cat’s Eye gemstone, buy from a reputable dealer. Ensure you research the dealer’s reputation and read customer reviews before making a final decision. Be cautious, as some dishonest sellers may offer Quartz lehsunia Stone while labelling it as Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye. Always verify the gemstone’s authenticity by carefully reviewing the lab certificate.
Que. Is There Any Substitute for Lehsunia?
Ans. A high-quality Chrysoberyl Cat’s eye gems may seem costly for some buyers. So, as an alternative you can choose Quartz Cat’s eye.
Que. Is a Cat’s Eye Gemstone Expensive?
Ans. No, it’s not costly. However, some gems, like Real Cat’s Eye alexandrite, can show a colour change, which is very uncommon, highly pricey, and sought-after.
Que. How Is a Cat’s Eye Formed?
Ans. Natural Cat’s Eye gemstone shaped into a dome showing a thin line of bright light across the stone. This phenomenon, known as chatoyancy or lehsunia gems effect, is due to the inclusion of thin, long, parallel mineral fibres in the gemstone that reflect light in a single line.
Que. What Is Unique About Cat Eyes?
Ans. Genuine Cats’ eye stone are very different from those of other animals: Instead of having round pupils like humans, the black parts in the middle of their eyes are vertical - which can change quickly and can open and close like the shutter of a camera.