The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is a rudraksha bead with two faces or Mukhs and is one of the rarest forms of the rudraksha bead. The distinct Rudraksha beads originated on Rudraksha trees scientifically known as Elaeocarpus ganitrus. When the fruit is ripped, they form their appearance as faces on their own and fall off the trees.

The beads which are not cracked or disfigured are the ones that are used for wearing and spiritual practices.

Two Mukhi Rudraksha beads grow very rarely and hence best-quality Original 2 Mukhi Rudraksha beads are even harder to find. The finest quality of the Two Mukhi Rudraksha beads are the ones formed in regions of Nepal and Java Indonesia.

Due to the astrological significance of this bead, the demand for it is always high in the market. People from many cultures and religions wear this bead because of the scientific, physical, and spiritual benefits of the Do Mukhi Rudraksha.

Know all about the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha, its importance, astrological significance, and the powers of this sacred bead.

Which Rudraksha You Should Wear Per Your Rashi?

Astrological Significance of the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha

In the Hindu religion, the Rudraksha beads are highly worshipped and believed in because their mythology and folklore state the position of these beads as sacred.

Many scriptures of the Hindus have depicted the source of the Rudraksha bead as the tears of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva is known as the God of Gods and also the creator & destroyer of the universe.

When Shiv cried in a moment of compassion, his tears fall on Earth, solidified, and took the form of Rudraksha beads. Hence every rudraksha bead is believed to have the blessings of Shiv. Other than Shiv, every type of rudraksha bead is associated with a dynamically powerful deity because of their Mukhs.

An original Two Mukhi Rudraksha bead having two faces in one bead represents Shiv and Shakti. The unified form of Shiv and Parvati (Shakti) is known as Ardhnarishwar. This form is the symbol of their holy union of love and marriage, the balance of masculinity and femininity.

Husband and wife are said to be each other halves, the union of marriage completes them. This concept is highly believed in Hinduism because of the form of Ardhnarishwar. This word is made of three words, Ardh meaning Half, Nari meaning Woman and Ishwar meaning God.

3 Mukhi Rudraksha: Astrological Benefits, Powers, and Significance

The Tale of Ardhnarishwar - Story of Two Mukhi Rudraksha

In the Skanda Purana, it is mentioned that Parvati, the wife of Shiv asked him to become one with her out of love, be close limb-to-limb, to reside with her. And so Shiv goes on with Shakti to form their one form known as Ardhnarishwar.

Another tale says that when Asur Andhaka wanted Parvati to become his wife and followed her to a great extent, she shows him the form of Ardhnarishwar, suggesting to him that her other half is only Shiva, after which the Asur left and stopped showing his interest in her.

In Kalika Purana, the tale of Ardhnarishwar's creation is mentioned because of Parvati’s jealousy. Parvati called Gauri in this Purana was insecure and feared the loss of her husband, it was also mentioned that there was a dispute between the couple because Gauri got jealous when she saw her reflection and thought it was someone else with Lord Shiv. The love for her husband in this moment made her wish for eternally existing with her husband and so Lord Shiv accepted her wish and fuse himself with her other half to form the “Ardhnarishwar” also known as “Gaurishvara”.

The Significance of Rudraksha Malas: A Complete Guide

The Shiva Purana tells a different story, one with the creation of the world, reproduction. According to the Puranas, Lord Brahma created all men and then commanded them to regenerate, but they were unable to do so. This resulted in the decline of the pace of creation which worried Lord Brahma and he asked Lord Shiva for help. And so Lord Shiv appeared in the form of Ardhnarishwar in front of Lord Brahma, who then prayed to the female half of the form and asked for female companions. The goddess blessed Lord Brahma with females to let him continue the creation of human existence.

Benefits of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha

The unification of Shiv, the highest power, the creator and destroyer, and Shakti, the mother of the universe makes the 2 Mukhi the utmost powerful bead.  do mukhi rudraksha benefits are also numerous and immeasurable. Both Shiv and Shakti blessed this bead and so it will give the wearer the balance of the universe.

The life-changing benefits of do mukhi rudraksha bead are as follows:

  • Developing your personality by augmenting your confidence and esteem.
  • Providing emotional balance and the zeal to control your emotions. It will help you with your mood swings.
  • Opening your mind to ideas, and creativity. Also helps in enhancing your imagination powers, it makes you more perceptive, and compassionate.
  • Increasing tranquility in your life as well as your generosity and serenity.
  • Brings you luck. Helps you get success by providing the courage or strength to take risky actions needed to fulfill your desires and goals.
  • Removing the negative effects of the moon brings in its qualities like calmness, mental & emotional power, serenity, and sharp intellect.
  • The moon is also said to represent your subconscious mind which suggests that this bead will help you reach your subconsciousness helping you know the depths of your mind.

1 Mukhi Rudraksha: Astrological Benefits, Powers, and Significance

Spiritual Benefits of Two Mukhi Rudraksha

Being related to the supreme being there is no doubt that the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha will guide you on a path to spirituality. The Shiv-Shakti blessings will come to you in the form of spiritual awareness making you more open to new ideas, perspectives, and the concept of higher consciousness.

Rudraksha is often used as a tool while practicing spirituality because of this reason. The cosmic energies are too powerful when you concentrate to meet the supreme powers, whether it be in the universe or your subconscious.

The bead will enhance your focus, it will take you to the place where you will feel the connection with the universe, helping you be more aware of yourself as well as the world. Your reaction and take on the spirituality with the dynamics of the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha will make you wiser, your purpose will come to you, and alongside you will be able to balance between the materialistic and spiritualistic worlds.

Healing Properties of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha

The vibrations and energy around us in our atmosphere surround us and affects us a lot. We as human entities also radiate positivity or negativity. This flow of energy through the Rudraksha bead provides our body with the healing it needs.

The Two Mukhi Rudraksha bead maintains the vitality levels in the person who wears it. Improving your energy levels, the bead will keep you active and help you get rid of being lazy.

The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is often worn around the neck, even astrologers advise it. There is an important reason behind it. When you wear it around your neck, the rudraksha bead is near to the heart, this will help in strengthening the heart, regulating the rate as well as pulse.

For well-being, this bead also assists in heightening the power of your muscles. Your Memory power will also hain reinforce.

Any diseases, illnesses, or infections related to the Kidney, Intestines, and Stomach are also cured with the vivacity of the Do Mukhi Rudraksha.

If you suffer from regular headaches, colds, coughs, and fever, then also this rudraksha will be very beneficial for you.

Other than all of these healing advantages, maintaining blood circulation and removing harmful toxins from your body is a medical benefit of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha.

Belief has it, due to the correlation of this bead with the husband-wife relationship, the magical healing properties of the bead help to aid sex-related problems, making both men and women fertile, and helping them conceive a child.

Scientific Benefits of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha

The rudraksha has been a topic of research forever and still is. Researchers and scholars have stated that the rudraksha beads do have the properties to heal a person.

In scientific terms, the rudraksha bead has Di electric properties as well as bio-electric properties. These properties help in better blood flow through the body and the elimination of toxic substances. Also, they balance the level of dopamine and serotonin, the chemicals responsible for our positive emotions of joy, happiness, calmness, and motivation as well.

Also, the rudraksha has the power to change the polarity of the person's body which is responsible for the regulation of endocrine glands.

The rudraksha beads have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial characteristics as well.

5 Mukhi Rudraksha Bead - Know the Benefits, Power, Significance, and Uses!!

Relationship Benefits of Two Mukhi Rudraksha Bead

An uttermost perk of the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha in a relationship resides in its mythological stories and beliefs. We all are aware of the love of Shiv and Parvati, and their indisputable bond.

Taking many births in different timelines as different people, waiting for reincarnations, and penancing for centuries, Shiv and Parvati have struggled for each other's companionship but found a way to be together.

The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha symbolizing their marriage union blesses the wearer with the same love and companionship. It increases the mutual affection between married couples; enhances understanding, harmony, and solidarity, bringing them marital bliss.

Individuals who are looking for their soulmate will also two faced rudraksha benefits as it will help them attract their mate.

6 Mukhi Rudraksha: Astrological Benefits, Powers, and Significance

Important Things About Do Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - As mentioned above, the 2 ruling God of the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha bead is ArdhNarishwar.

Ruling Astrological Planet - Moon

Associated Chakra with 2 Mukhi Rudraksha - Swadhisthana chakra

Best Day & Time to Wear - Monday (Shukla Paksha) & Morning Hours Between 04:00 a.m. to 08:00 a.m.

Zodiacs Who Can Wear - Cancer (Kark)

Metal to Wear It In - Silver or Gold

Form In Which It Should Be Worn - Bracelet, Pendant, or Mala

2 Mukhi Rudraksha Beej Mantra - ॐ नमः

Purification - You can purify your rudraksha bead or mala by using Gangajal or Panchamrit (a mixture of 5 substances - Raw milk, Ghee, Sugar, Curd, and Honey).

Vedic Pooja Procedure - After taking a bath, wearing fresh clothes, and completing your saily worshipping, take your Dwi Mukhi Rudraksha, and purify it. And then chant the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha mantra 108 times with full devotion. While you are reciting it for the last time wear the bead.

2 Mukhi Rudraksha Price - Starts with INR 1500 per bead.

Powers of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha

The powers of the two mukhi rudraksha bead lie in your belief and devotion at the most. As the popular saying goes, if you believe there is God in Stone carving statues if you don't there is no God anywhere. So, if you believe, your energy will connect to the universe, and you will get all the benefits of the rudraksha bead.

4 Mukhi Rudraksha: Astrological Benefits, Powers, and Significance

The cosmic powers, the higher self everything lies within your devotion as well. Our older generations have passed on the belief that wearing rudraksha for showing off or with a feeling of just getting its advantages will do you no good. It is your devotion that will let the energy flow through an original 2 Mukhi rudraksha and get to you. It will work as a powerful tool to make your aura positive, consuming and removing all the negativity from around you. Even so, the bead will shield you from harm, accidents, infections, evil spirits, bad omens, or any other negative influences. It will also reduce the feelings of jealousy, greed, and lust if you will allow yourself to be more connected with the higher powers.

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