Gemstones for Zodiac Signs
/ 27, Jul, 2024
Singh Rashi Stone - सिंह राशि वालों को कौन सा रत्न पहनना चाहिए
वैदिक ज्योतिष के अनुसार जन्म कुंडली में स्थित ग्रहों की दशा का असर किसी जातक के जीवन के विभिन्न पहलुओं पर पड़ता है जैसे, सेहत, धन, यश, शिक्षा, व्यापार तथा कैरियर इत्यादि। परंतु यदि ग्रहों की दशा खराब हो या कोई ग्रह किसी व्यक्ति की कुंडली के गलत घर में विराजमान हो तो ऐसी स्थिति में जातक को कई प्रकार की समस्याओं का सामना भी करना पड़ता है जैसे धन एवं स्वास्थ्य की हानि, गृह क्लेश, दुर्घटना इत्यादि।
/ 26, Apr, 2024
मेष राशि रत्न: मेष राशि वालो का भाग्य रत्न
चूंकि मंगल ग्रह मेष राशि का स्वामी है इसलिए इस राशि में पैदा होने वाले जातक मिलनसार, बहिर्मुखी, सक्रिय और बुद्धिमान होते है। हम मेष राशि के महत्व के साथ-साथ मेष राशि के रत्न तथा उपयोगकर्ता पर इसके प्रभावो का वर्णन करेंगे।
/ 06, Sep, 2023
Which Zodiac Sign Should or Shouldn't Wear Yellow Sapphire?
The yellow sapphire is one of the most well-known jewels that people from all backgrounds wear. This gemstone is exceptionally gorgeous when worn with a gold ring since it is so apparent on the wearer's index finger. The most influential people in society think it's a stunning stone.
/ 07, Aug, 2023
Lucky Gems For Pisces | Meen Rashi Stone
Pisces is the final sign in the zodiac cycle and one of the most reliable ones when it comes to being on time. They are very sociable and can mingle with different kinds of people. Their life can be transformed by their birthstone.
/ 28, Jul, 2023
Lucky Gemstones For Aquarius | Kumbh Rashi Stone
Aquarius is the eleventh zodiac sign in astrology. It is influenced by Uranus, the planet of originality, invention, and liberty. According to Western Astrology, the people who are born from January 20 to February 18 belong to the Aquarius zodiac sign. They are known as Aquarians or Aquarius natives. These natives have a humanitarian nature and they like to help and motivate others. They are smart, confident, independent, easy-going, logical, and unconventional. As an air sign, they are very lively and dynamic. They are very innovative and forward-thinking. They can solve problems quickly and they always ensure that they use a fair and reasonable approach while doing so.
/ 18, Jul, 2023
Lucky Gemstones for Capricorn | Makar Rashi Stone
People with Capricorn signs are the 10th sign of the zodiac and their birthdays are between December 21st and January 19th. Their element is Earth and their symbol is the sea goat. Capricorns are supposed to have big ambitions because their ruling planet is Saturn - the God of wealth and agriculture. They are hardworking, positive, and big thinkers who are persistent realists.
/ 06, Jul, 2023
Lucky Gemstones for Scorpio | Vrishchik Rashi stone
Sagittarians are those who are born from 22nd November to 21st December. They are influenced by Mercury and their best birthstone is Topaz. Other lucky stones for them include lapis lazuli, Citrine, Zircon, Turquoise, Yellow Sapphire, and amethyst.
/ 28, Jun, 2023
Top 7 Best Gemstones For Sagittarius | Dhanu Rashi Stone
Sagittarians are those who are born from 22nd November to 21st December. They are influenced by Mercury and their best birthstone is Topaz. Other lucky stones for them include lapis lazuli, Citrine, Zircon, Turquoise, Yellow Sapphire, and amethyst.
/ 21, Jun, 2023
Lucky Gemstones For Libra | Tula Rashi Stone
People who are born from September 22 to October 21 belong to the Libra zodiac sign and are called Libra natives. They usually have some main traits, such as being brilliant, reckless, fickle, and changeable, and having frequent mood swings.
/ 15, Jun, 2023
Lucky Gemstones For Leo | Singh Rashi Stone
Leo's ascendants governed by the Sun are ambitious. If the person of this sign wears their lucky gem ruby, then it sparkles. Leo signs people are known for making the correct decisions. Wearing this stone enriches life.
/ 02, Jun, 2023
Lucly Gemstones For Aries | Mesh Rashi Stone
Gemstones have amazing abilities to heal and inspire. They are endless sources of cosmic energies that affect your Chakra and balance the influences of certain planets in your birth chart.
/ 02, May, 2023
Which Zodiac Signs Can Wear Emerald Stone?
According to Astrologers, gemstones have certain positive effects and are used to curb down the malefic effects of bad positions of planets in the horoscope. Also, the gemstones are used as birthstones and lucky stones for various zodiac signs depending upon planet.