Aquarius is the eleventh zodiac sign in astrology. It is influenced by Uranus, the planet of originality, invention, and liberty. According to Western Astrology, the people who are born from January 20 to February 18 belong to the Aquarius zodiac sign. They are known as Aquarians or Aquarius natives. These natives have a humanitarian nature and they like to help and motivate others. They are smart, confident, independent, easy-going, logical, and unconventional. As an air sign, they are very lively and dynamic. They are very innovative and forward-thinking. They can solve problems quickly and they always ensure that they use a fair and reasonable approach while doing so.

Aquarius natives are always looking for ways to grow and change. They tend to hide their emotions and may come across as proud and defiant. They can enhance their abilities and reach their goals by wearing Aquarius birthstones. These stones can help Aquarius people to boost their strengths and talents. They can also clear the hurdles and bless them with joy, prosperity, and achievement.

If you are born under Aquarius, you might be curious about the lucky stones for Aquarius. In this article, you will find out the different types of Aquarius gemstones and learn which ones are suitable for Aquarius people. You will also find out the Vedic Moon sign stone and the best stones for Aquarius men and women.

Aquarius Lucky Gemstone

Aquarius Gemstones are the crystal stones that boost the Lagna or the power of its lord in the birth chart. The strong power of the Lagna or Ascendant Lord gives the native longevity, courage, fame, wealth, success, and good health. If the first house of the birth chart or Lagna of an Aquarius person is weak, then they should wear an Aquarius life stone. The Aquarius Lucky Gem should be worn after the consultant with the astrologers.

Gemstone For Aquarius Zodiac Stone

Various Aquarius stones are recommended by astrologers for good fortune, success, and joy. Since each gemstone has its characteristics and qualities, one should always seek astrology advice before selecting their Aquarius lucky stone. Here is the list of Aquarius zodiac stones (Kumbh Rashi Ratna) that are regarded as suitable stones for the Aquarius people.

  • Amethyst
  • Garnet
  • Aquamarine
  • Black Onyx
  • Moonstone

Lucky Gemstone For Aquarius

According to Vedic astrologers, the best and Lucky stone for Aquarius is Amethyst. This is a very lucky stone for Aquarius to bring luck and joy. This purple-colored gemstone is beautiful and very beneficial. It draws positive energy and removes negative energy. The color of the gemstone motivates the natives and boost their energy to explore their inner self. It helps them to find out the truth about themselves.

The Kumbh Rashi lucky stone enhances communication skills and encourages natives to work with others. It helps them to decide the best plan of action for the future. Also, the Amethyst helps the natives to relieve stress and heal from physical problems.

Lucky Stone for Aquarius Male

Amethyst is also regarded as the luckiest gemstone for Aquarius men. As per Vedic Astrology, this Kumbh Rashi lucky stone boosts the logical approach and focus of Aquarius men. It improves their ability to think clearly and reasonably. By wearing this lucky stone for Aquarius, the natives can increase loyalty and true love. They can also wear it for healing physical and mental ailments.

Ancient doctors and folk healers used to suggest this Aquarius gem for easing depression, insomnia, anxiety, sorrow, headaches, etc. People say that this lucky stone for Kumbh Rashi can bring positive changes to the body, mind, and soul of Aquarius men if they wear it with proper ceremonies. They may connect with Uranus’s energies and improve their life.

Lucky Stone for Aquarius Female

The green gemstone Emerald for Aquarius women represents intelligence and communication. It boosts mental skills and gives wisdom to the natives. This lucky stone for Aquarius can attract fame, true love, and recognition. It is also a powerful healing stone and can help with various health issues related to skin, respiratory system, kidney, heart, and brain problems.

Emerald is also beneficial for pregnant women. It lowers their stress level and supports them during labor pain. By wearing this lucky gemstone for Aquarius, one can also increase productivity and financial growth.

Lucky Gemstones for Aquarius Moon Sign

This lucky stone for Kumbh Rashi is Natural Blue Sapphire. It helps to ward off evil spirits and negative energies. By wearing this Kumbh Rashi Stone, one can get positive results in social, professional, and marital life. It can also help with health issues like paralysis, bronchitis, rheumatism, gout, etc.

Amethyst for Aquarius: The Natural Amethyst is widely recognized as the main birthstone - or power stone - for Aquarius, and it’s especially strong when paired with an Aquarian who was born in February.

The rare color of this blueish-purple stone was valued by ancients, and it’s infused by the energies of Uranus. Highly spiritual, it’s linked with the crown and third eye chakra.

Garnet for Aquarius: Garnet is often regarded as the January birthstone for Aquarius and is a powerful stimulator of chi or life force. It restores self-esteem and confidence and is a very strong stone for energy renewal. An Aquarian can easily become tired as a result of all the idealistic and humanitarian concerns they tend to have, so the garnet helps them to overcome those challenges.

Aquamarine for Aquarius: This gemstone has a blue-green hue that inspired sailors to brave the vast oceans. It enhances mental clarity, vision, and confidence, especially when the moon is full. It also helps to express one’s true feelings by connecting with the throat chakra. Real Aquamarine stone is ideal for Aquarians who are often shy and quiet. It eases the pressure of a hectic life by linking to the heart chakra.

Black Onyx for Aquarius: This stone is linked to the root chakra and shields and grounds excess energy. It prevents anxiety or stress from self-doubt or overworking from affecting an Aquarian. This stone balances dualities in an individual’s personality and promotes self-awareness. Ancient civilizations sometimes saw it negatively but failed to see that this stone transforms weaknesses into strengths by using aggressive energies. Natural Black Onyx also offers great help when you need to heal from emotional trauma.

Moonstone for Aquarius: Real Real Moonstone relates to the lunar cycle and feminine energy, helping Aquarians to adapt to the changing phases of life. When they’re enjoying their freedom cycle, Aquarians can sometimes get annoyed by the world’s attempt to restrict their goals. The moonstone helps them to accept (and remain positive about) cycles of change in the same way as the moon grows and shrinks. It’s also a great stone for reconnecting an Aquarian with their emotions if they lose touch with themselves or start to feel lonely.

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