Red Coral also known as Moonga is a precious gemstone that has various amazing metaphysical properties and astrological benefits. Since ancient times these gemstones have been used to make jewellery and decorative items.

This beautiful gemstone has a deep red or pinkish color due to the presence of a unique pigment called carotenoid. According to Greek mythology, this gemstone is red-colored because it possesses the blood of “Medusa”, a snake-haired gorgon in it.

This gemstone is different from other gemstones since it is not found under the earth’s surface. In Fact, it is found under the surface of water like pearls. Red corals are made by numerous marine organisms that are connected with a genus of marine corals called “Corallium Rubrum”. It is formed by the deposition of calcium carbonate skeletons formed by small individual polyps for a long period. Coral gemstones are generally soft and brittle in comparison to other gemstones and have a hardness of 3.5 on the Mohs Scale.

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Negative Effects of Red Coral Stone

If Planet Mars is positioned in the wrong place in a person's horoscope or is giving ill effects due to other astrological reasons, then Moonga could be worn to treat those bad effects.

But wearing Red Coral without consulting a professional astrologer could result in possible side effects too. Here, we are going to tell you more about the possible side effects of wearing moonga:

  1. Problems in Marital Life : Red coral gemstone is associated with the powerful planet Mars which has a huge impact on people's marital life. Therefore, wearing a moonga can result in tension, fights, rifts, and problems between married couples. If you feel that your partner has started to separate themselves from you then it is a clear sign of red coral adverse side effects.
  2. Makes the wearer emotionally weak: Red coral possesses extremely potent metaphysical properties that can overwhelm the wearer and cause emotional turmoil in the mind. Which can lead to feelings like depression, anxiety, and restlessness.
  3. Negative Effects on Health: Wearing moonga gemstones without consulting an astrologer can lead to various digestive, neurological, and blood-related problems such as low red cell count, etc.
  4. Increase in anger: One of the most significant side effects of wearing a Red coral gemstone is an increase in anger and frustration since planet Mars stimulates and elevates emotions related to and short temper in some people.
  5. Skin irritation and Allergic Reaction: Being in contact with Red coral gemstone can cause skin allergy and irritation in some people too.

Who Should Not Wear Red Coral Gemstone (Moonga)?

To avoid the negative effects of Red Coral Gemstone it is necessary to know complete details about who should not wear this stone. We have created a list of people who should stay away from this gemstone at all costs:

  1. People who have Aquarius, Libra, Virgo, Gemini, and Taurus should never wear a moonga, since the astrological frequency of these signs doesn’t match with red coral stone. Also those people should also refrain from wearing Red Coral if Mars is located in the 10th house of their horoscopes.
  2. People whose birthchart planet Mars is already sitting in the favorable position in the horoscope should also not wear this gemstone since it will not give any positive effect and may prove harmful too.
  3. If someone's lord or principal planet inside the horoscope is an enemy of planet Mars, then those people should also avoid wearing moonga since it can lead to friction of energies leading to loss of health, wealth, and reputation in the future.

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How to avoid the negative effects of wearing Moonga Stone?

In order to avoid the negative effects of wearing red coral gemstone it is recommended to take proper precautions. Below we have made a list of all the important precautions:

  1. Consult an experienced Astrologer: It is recommended to consult an experienced astrologer before wearing a munga stone. Since it can provide various ill-effects to its wearer if worn without knowing its compatibility with complete astrological effects.
  2. It must be kept in mind that Red Coral and Emerald should not be worn together since the astrological powers of both gems are inverse to each other which completely cancels their respective benefits.
  3. Wearing the Moonga on the correct day and time: To reap the complete benefits of Red coral gemstone, it is necessary to wear it on Tuesday of Shukla paksha of the month. It must be kept in mind to wear it early in the morning to get the best results.
  4. Buy Only a high-quality Gemstone from a trusted seller: To acquire the proper astrological benefits of moonga, the wearer should buy a gemstone with a smooth texture and bright color from a trusted gemstone seller like Rashi Ratan Bhagya.Com only. Wearing a low-quality or defective gemstone can either have adverse effects or no effect at all.


Q. Which rashi Should not Wear Red Coral?

Ans. People with the zodiac Aquarius, Libra, Virgo, Gemini, and Taurus should not wear Red Coral Gemstones.

Q. What is the significance of wearing Red Coral (Moonga)?

Ans. This gemstone provides various health benefits to its wearer such as energy, vitality, improved blood circulation, etc. Apart from this it improves relationships between couples, protects from evil energy, and removes obstacles from the life of the wearer.

Q. What is the Mantra for Red Coral Gemstone?

Ans. Before wearing the Red Coral Gemstone it must be energized by reciting the Mantra mantra related to the planet Mars, “Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroom Sah Bhomay Namah”.

Q Which Country is Famous for Red Coral?

Ans. Italian Red Coral is considered the best in the jewelry industry.

Q. In which metal should Red Coral be worn?

Ans. Red Coral gemstone gives the best results if worn in Gold, Copper, or Ashtdhatu metal.

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