Hessonite Gemstone, which is commonly known as “Gomed” is a Brown or Golden-Brown coloured Semi Precious stone that is popular for its unique looks and shine. Gomed Stone is also called “Cinnamon Stone”. According to Vedic Astrology, the Gomed Gemstone is governed by the Shadow Planet “Rahu”, which is alternatively known as “Dragonhead” in some Western astrology scriptures.

Gomed Ratan enables its wearer to succeed in several High-Level Government Jobs, Business, and Politics. It is also known to provide Power, Wealth, Good Health, and prosperity in life. This beautiful gemstone increases the creativity and intelligence of the person wearing it. “Hessonite” is a glittering, hard, and stable gemstone that comes from the grossular garnet mineral family. The hardness of this gemstone measures between 7-7.5 on the Mohs scale.

Gomed stone Side Effects

Before wearing a Hessonite Gemstone it is necessary to consult with a professional Vedic Astrologer as failing to do so can result in numerous side effects. Some of these side effects are:

Before wearing a Hessonite Gemstone it is necessary to consult with a professional Vedic Astrologer. If the gemstone is not suitable for you, In this condition the wearer can face its numerous possible side effects. Some of these side effects are:

  • Allergic Reaction: Hessonite stone consists of some minerals that can induce serious allergic reactions in people, who are allergic to it.
  • Financial Losses: If someone wears a fake, broken, or low-quality hessonite gemstone then he can face serious consequences in the future related to finance and huge losses in business. This can also hamper the career growth of the wearer adversely. It Enduring Hardships & Financial Losses in Personal Life.
  • Headache and Dizziness: Hessonite Gemstone elevates the blood pressure of the wearer which can lead to Severe Headaches, Migraine, and Dizziness. Apart from the above-mentioned effects, some people might face other health issues such as diabetes or kidney failure. It is advisable to discontinue wearing the gemstone if you are experiencing any of these ill effects.
  • Sleeping disorder: One of the most common side effects of wearing a hessonite stone is experiencing difficulty in Sleeping. Hessonite is believed to stimulate the brain tremendously therefore, after wearing a Hessonite Gemstone some people might find it difficult to sleep and may experience various sleeping disorders such as insomnia.
  • Experiencing Digestive Problems: If someone wears the Gomed stone when the Planet Rahu is in unfavourable condition in the horoscope of the wearer then it could also result in numerous digestive problems such as diarrhoea, nausea, and a feeling of uneasiness in the stomach.
  • Increase in Negative Emotions and Restlessness: Gomed stone can induce an unstoppable cycle of negative emotions in the wearer. Also, some wearers can feel completely exhausted and develop a totally negative mindset in life due to its adverse effects.
  • Experiencing Unusual Energetic and Spiritual Imbalance in the Body and Mind: Gomed stone consists of great energetic vibes that can clog or disrupt the body's natural energy field which makes the wearer unenergetic. Due to this spiritual imbalance, some people might leave the path of righteousness and truth. Which can lead to more troubles in the future too.

How to Avoid the Negative Effects of Wearing Gomed?

To avoid several negative effects related to wearing Hessonite, the following important measures should be taken by the person wearing it:

Before Wearing Hessonite consult an Astrologer to get full knowledge about the weight, time, and method of wearing related to this.

  • Reduce the wearing time: If a person wearing Gomed is experiencing some unusual hardships in their personal life or facing health issues such as Dizziness, Depression, Headache, etc. then he/she should reduce the wearing time of this gemstone. It is advised to remove this gemstone before going to sleep.
  • Taking the Break: If after wearing the Gomed stone someone experiences any discomfort then he should take a break from this gemstone by removing it for some time. It can help in reducing the unfavourable effects of this gemstone.
  • Buying High-Quality Gemstones: To reduce several negative effects of Gomed it is necessary to buy only High-Quality Gemstone from a trusted seller since low-quality and broken stones can negatively affect the wearer's fortune.

Rahu and Ketu are both enemy planets and can’t live together, therefore gemstones related to them like Hessonite and Cat’s Eye should not be worn at the same time to avoid harmful effects.


Que. What Is Hessonite?

Ans. “Gomed” also known as “Hessonite” is a semi-precious gemstone. This gemstone comes in Honey or Dark Brown color which makes it attractive for the jewellry. This gemstone comes from the “Grossular Garnet” Mineral Family.

Que. Which Astrological Planet Rules Hessonite?

Ans. As per astrology, Shadow planet Rahu is a ruling planet of the Hessonite gemstone.

Que. What Are the Benefits of Wearing Gomed Gemstone?

Ans. According to Astrologers Gomed helps the wearer in every aspect of life such as providing financial stability, and business growth, and helps in alleviating problems such as anxiety, depression, and confusion.

Que. Which Is the Best Day to Wear Hessonite?

Ans. The most favourable day to Wear a Hessonite is Saturday.

Que. As a Ring Which Finger Is Suggested to Wear the Gomed?

Ans. To get the best results Hessonite should be worn in the Middle finger of the Working hand of the wearer.

Que. In Which Metal a Hessonite Should Be Worn?

Ans. According to the Vedic Astrology Hessonite gemstone gives good results, if it is worn in a silver ring and the stone remains in contact with the wearer's body at all times.

Que. What Puja Process Should Be Followed before Wearing Hessonite?

Ans. Before wearing a Hessonite Gemstone, the wearer must dip the gemstone properly in a stainless steel bowl filled with clear water. After that, he should pour some Ganga Jal, Honey, and Unboiled Cow milk over the gemstone. The stone must remain dipped inside this solution for 3-4 hours. After performing this procedure the wearer must recite the mantra “ॐ राम राहवे नमः ” at least 108 times to energize the stone.