Healing stones have always been a helping hand to humans which fill their lives with positivity, creativity, and beauty. These crystals are beautiful and are known for having distinct metaphysical properties. Every gemstone or crystal has its own powers and benefits a certain aspect of life.

So, you may find yourself which gemstone you should wear or which crystals should be in your home? How to choose a crystal? Well, here we are to help you to make an informed decision. Here are some ways you can select a crystal for yourself.

How to Choose the Right Crystal for Myself?

There are two ways you can select a gemstone or crystal for you.

The first method - By consulting an expert astrologer. An astrologer will check your birth chart or Kundli and check the positions of the planets. Whichever planets are in unfavorable positions in your natal chart, the astrologer will recommend the associated gems of those planets.

By Listening to Your Intuition - The universe has a way of telling you things. The highest power is your intuition and your gut feelings. Listen to your feelings and whichever stone attracts you the most can be the right crystal for you. Be open and accept what attracts you. Experience the crystal energies by taking them in your hands and closing your eyes to feel. See how you feel and if you are feeling warm and happy, or lively and hopeful, then you have the perfect healing crystal for yourself.

Making a Crystal Grid for the Seven Energy Centers - You can also bring home or wear the seven gemstones that will activate the seven energy centers of your body. Every gem is linked with an energy center so when you wear these stones they open these energy centers and balance the energies of your body, mind, and spirit.

Here are the seven gemstones or crystals of the Energy centers:

  • Root Chakra - Gives a sense of security and Stability - Ruby/Hessonite
  • Sacral Chakra - Enhances creativity and sexual energy - Sunstone/ Tiger’s Eye
  • Solar Plexus Chakra - Boost confidence and self-esteem - Yellow Sapphire/Citrine
  • Heart Chakra - Opens the heart to love & compassion - Emerald
  • Throat Chakra - Increases communication skills and cures speech disorders - Lapis Lazuli/ Aquamarine
  • Third Eye Chakra - Boosts Intuition powers and expands imagination - Blue sapphire
  • Crown Chakra - Connects with the divine - Amethyst

Points to Keep In Mind While Selecting a Gem

  • While you are selecting a crystal or gem, make sure that it is real. Only original gems will bring you their healing powers.
  • Check the quality of the stone. Buy a premium quality gemstone that has a rich hue and good clarity. Gems or crystals naturally have inclusions in them so you should check and buy the ones with minimum flaws.
  • Find out which gem you can wear on a daily basis and which cannot.
  • It is advised that you also get a cleaning kit for your crystal so that you can clean it properly every once in a while. It is essential to care well and clean your gems and jewelry to maintain their shine and luster.
  • Indeed, while storing your gemstone or healing crystals, make sure you keep them in separate boxes.

How to Know If I Have Chosen the Right Crystal?

Once you have chosen your crystal, how would you know if it is the right one? It is simple to figure that out but to do that you have to keep an eye on your daily life. Notice the changes that you are going through, physically, mentally, spiritually, socially, emotionally, and financially.

You may not feel anything in the beginning as positivity comes slowly with time, faith, and devotion. Soon, you will find yourself more calm, patient, and optimistic. Your life will change for the better. This means you have chosen the correct crystal for yourself.

Or it is also possible that you immediately start feeling nauseous and go through regular headaches. You might face sensations or your negative thinking might increase.

In that case, you should immediately remove the gem or crystal.

Here are some of the most popular healing crystals that are highly known for their healing properties, both physical and emotional:

  • Amethyst - Amethyst or Jamunia is a purple variety of quartz that is known as a natural tranquilizer. It is known to heal the person emotionally, overcome their grief or sadness, and get over any past trauma. It will also activate the crown chakra and increase the intuitions of the person, guiding them in the right direction.
  • Citrine - Citrine or Sunela is a warm yellow healing gem that is known for bringing hope and liveliness to the user’s life. Its positive energies will enhance the self-confidence and creativity of the person. It will also boost optimistic thinking and the overall vitality of the individual.
  • Rose Quartz - Rose Quartz, with its beautiful pink hues in lighter shades looks gorgeous and calming. This gem also known as Love stone is known to bring the person all kinds of love - Love for others as well as Self-love. It enhances the feelings of kindness, forgiveness, love, empathy, and compassion.
  • Clear Quartz - Clear quartz or Sphatik is a healing stone that must be with everyone since this gem is an amplifier. It amplifies the positive energies around you as well as of other gemstones or crystals and so will assist you in being fit physically, mentally clear, and emotionally balanced.
  • Blue Sapphire - Blue sapphire or Neelam is a beautiful deep dark blue colored gemstone that is known to boost mental clarity. It attracts the energies of hard work and dedication and helps the person achieve success. It brings fortune and calming healing powers.
  • Emerald - Emerald or Panna is a dark green gemstone that is known to activate the heart chakra. This gem will open your heart to feelings of love as well as bolster your confidence to express yourself freely. The gem will enhance your communication skills and is believed to cure any throat-related ailments or speech disorders.
  • Ruby - Ruby or Manik Stone will give you a sense of passion and bring you love. It will increase your self-belief and leadership skills. Indeed, it will bring you stability and security. Know all the benefits of wearing ruby stone here.

How To Use Healing Crystals?

It is essential that you use the crystals and gemstones properly, here are some ways by which you will get the maximum benefits of these healing crystals:

  • By wearing them in the form of a ring, pendant, or bracelet. Astrologically, you should wear the gems in these forms after purifying them and performing the pooja. The purification will remove the negative energies the gem might contain before it reaches you and the pooja will connect the gem solely to you.
  • Another way to use the healing crystals is when you are meditating. You can keep them in a grid nearby you or keep them in your hands as well. Indeed, with yoga, you can keep them on your body as well.
  • You can also keep the crystals in your home or office as a decoration. You can keep them on glass plates. They will be decoration items as well as will keep the environment of the place positive.

Top 20 Healing Crystals: Everything You Need to Know

Summing Up

Healing crystals have very powerful energies that can help you have a positive life. They will remove the negative energies from your life and will heal you inside out. The best way to get the maximum benefits of the gemstone is to wear them in the form of a ring, pendant, or bracelet. This way the gems will always be in contact with your body and will keep giving you their positive energies.

But, make sure that you are wearing an original gemstone or using authentic and natural crystals. Fake or synthetic gems will not give you any benefits.

You can buy lab-certified gemstones, rosaries, rudraksha, or crystal trees at Rashi Ratan Bhagya, a trusted and reputable source where you will get all these products at the best prices.