Rudraksha beads have the blessings of Lord Shiva. They are very powerful but can work differently for every individual as every person has a different birth chart, perspective, faith, personality and beliefs.Thus the timing for which the rudraksha works varies.

Let’s understand the significance and benefits of the rudraksha beads and how they work. Does Rudraksha Really Work? If they do, then when can the results be seen?

Significance Of Rudraksha Beads

According to the Hindu traditions, the Rudraksha beads are the blessings of Lord Shiva. Folklore tales tell that the origin of these beads are the tears of Lord Shiva. In a moment of compassion when Lord Shiva cried his tears fell on earth, solidified, and turned into rudraksha trees.

As per the Vedic texts, each type of bead has the blessings of different powerful deities and is linked with different astrological planets. Although any person can wear any Rudraksha Mukhis(Types) but it’s advisable to first consult with an astrologer and ensure which type of bead is suitable for them to wear.

There are no side effects of them, the only thing required is faith and devotion. However, do cleanse and purify your beads by proper method before wearing them.

Does Wearing Rudraksha Really Work?

Yes. According to the ancient Hindu texts, rudraksha have tremendous positive spiritual energies that bring holistic wellness in your life. It guides the person towards spirituality and divinity, enhances their self-awareness, and gives them the strength to face the obstacles of life.

Many people who have used Rudraksha Mala regularly during spiritual practices or have worn them have also claimed that they felt the energies of the universe align with theirs.

Even researchers and scholars have experimented on them, to know the powers of the bead and have found that the beads have healing properties. They have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, they stabilize the nervous system of the wearer as well as maintain the overall well-being of the wearer.

How Long Does It Take For Rudraksha to Show Results?

The time that it takes for a bead to show its effects varies for different individuals. It depends primarily on the belief, faith and devotion of the individual as well as on his birth chart.

Many people have claimed to feel the changes in their lives almost immediately after wearing rudraksha beads like enhanced focus and calmness. They stated that they felt the energies working within themselves and found themselves more composed when they were wearing it.

For some people, the bead took a few weeks or months. They noticed the effects in their life as external factors were turning in their favor rather than within themselves.

The Rudraksha works both within you and externally for you. It aligns the energies of your mind, body, and soul and gives you inner peace, mental clarity, and health. Also, externally it removes the negative energies from around you, turns the outcomes of external forces in your favor, and keeps you guarded against bad omens, and harm.

The type of bead you are wearing can also affect the benefits you are getting since every Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by a particular powerful deity. For example, if you want marital bliss, you can wear Gauri Shankar Rudraksha, while if you are looking for strength and courage, 6 Mukhi Rudraksha is recommended. For the blessings of Nav Durga, nine mukhi rudraksha can be worn.

Rules to Follow To Get the Maximum Rudraksha Benefits

When you wear a bead, it is essential to respect the divine beads and follow the rules, then only you will get the maximum benefits of it:

  • Use only Natural Original Rudraksha Beads as the Market is flooded by duplicate Rudraksha Beads.
  • Never share your Rudraksha beads with anyone. Only you should wear your Rudraksha.
  • Clean the bead or Mala every once in a while with Raw unboiled milk or Gangajal (the Holy Water)
  • Remove it before going to bed and wear it again the next day after taking a bath.
  • Remove the bead or Mala before engaging in any sexual activity.
  • Avoid wearing it to funerals, saloons, childbirth or hospitals (if surgery is involved)
  • Do not consume alcohol or drugs while wearing it.
  • Avoid eating non-vegetarian food.

How Do I Know My Rudraksha Is Working?

If you want to know if your rudraksha is working or not then you have to pay attention to a range of subtle changes that are happening in your life, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Here are some signs that can indicate that the bead is having a positive impact on your life:

  • Signs and Intuition - Your intuition powers will heighten and guide you in the right direction. You may also notice some signs and synchronicities that will affirm your path.
  • Increased Calmness - You will feel more calm and peaceful throughout your day. You may notice a change in your emotional well-being, finding yourself extremely patient and handling things with composure.
  • Positive Thinking - The positive energies clear your mind of negativity and make you more optimistic. It reduces stress and tension as well as eliminates overthinking.
  • Better Mood - You will find yourself in a better mood, more positive rather than anxious or nervous. It gives you emotional balance.
  • Spiritual Connection - You may experience a deeper sense of spirituality, more self-awareness, and connection with the higher powers.
  • Feeling Active - A noticeable activeness and energy you may feel as your energy levels will enhance.
    Better Relationships - Some people have experienced that their close relationships got better as a positive benefit of rudraksha.
  • Improved Health - You may feel better in physical and mental health. It provides relief from body pain or frequent headaches and fastens recovery from any injury or surgery as well.

How to Get the Maximum Benefits of Wearing Rudraksha?

Wearing the Rudraksha Mala will give you maximum benefits when you wear the bead properly with proper consultation and pooja. You should get your birth chart checked by an expert astrologer, tell them the reason or problem you are looking for a solution for, and ask which bead type will be the best for you.

Once you get to know which Mukhi you should wear, ensure that you buy an original Rudraksha. Purify it on an auspicious day and then energize it with proper Pooja and Mantras. Once you wear it with the proper method and blessings of God, follow the rules as mentioned above.

Also, keep your beads clean and care for them well, know the rules here - How to Clean and Care for Your Rudraksha Beads?

Which Type of Rudraksha Should I Wear?

It depends on your intentions on which type of rudraksha you should wear. Here are all the types of rudraksha beads and what benefits they give you in your life. You can choose the bead as per your preference, faith, and intention on which one you should be wearing.

Type of Rudraksha Ruling Deity Benefits
1 Mukhi Rudraksha Lord Shiva Helps attain Moksha or Salvation.
2 Mukhi Rudraksha Ardhnarishwar (Shiv-Shakti) Brings unification between husband and wife.
3 Mukhi Rudraksha Lord Agni Brings you to light, purifies you, and helps attain success.
4 Mukhi Rudraksha Lord Brahma Boosts self-expression, and increases knowledge and wisdom.
5 Mukhi Rudraksha Lord Kaalagni Rudra Removes sins, enhances focus, and connects with the divine.
6 Mukhi Rudraksha Lord Kartikeya Gives warriorship, charm, braveness, and luxury.
7 Mukhi Rudraksha Goddess Mahalakshmi Blesses with wealth, abundance, and prosperity.
8 Mukhi Rudraksha Lord Ganesha Gives stability in life and helps to overcome life problems.
9 Mukhi Rudraksha Goddess Durga Courage and protection as well as connect with divine feminine energies.
10 Mukhi Rudraksha Lord Krishna Brings wealth and prosperity, and gives a sense of security.
11 Mukhi Rudraksha Lord Hanuman Boosts your energy, gives self-confidence, protects health
12 Mukhi Rudraksha Lord Surya (Sun) Gives strength, radiance, courage
13 Mukhi Rudraksha Lord Indra Brings love, enhances charm & attractiveness
14 Mukhi Rudraksha Lord Hanuman Protects against evil and black magic.
15 Mukhi Rudraksha Lord Pashupatinath Stabilizes mental system, provides mental clarity
16 Mukhi Rudraksha Lord Mahamrityunjaya Provides strength to achieve victory in any field.
Gauri Shankar Rudraksha Shiv Parvati Brings marital bliss and harmony in a relationship
Garbh Gauri Rudraksha Goddess Gauri and Lord Ganesha Helps in Conceiving and protects the child & mother.
Ganesh Rudraksha Lord Ganesha Remove all obstacles in life.


You can also wear a Powerful Rudraksha Siddha mala which consists of different types of beads put together in one Mala.


Rudraksha beads will help you find spirituality and peace in your life, they will work for you when you keep faith in the powers of the bead and the universe. The higher energies respond to your energies and the higher vibrant frequencies of the bead will match with yours. To get the maximum benefits of the Rudraksha bead you should wear it with proper Vedic pooja and follow the rules.

Also, make sure that you are wearing an original lab certified Rudraksha bead, you should buy it from an authentic source like Rashi Ratan Bhagya, where you will get authentic and lab-certified Rudraksha of all types including Rudraksha Siddha Mala and Gauri Shankar.