Ruby, also known as the Manik stone, is found in the deep red color. This gem is powerful and is known for its beauty, symbolism and astrological significance. Mostly, this gem is believed to have many powers and hence it is very famous around the world.

Astrologically, the gem is one of the Navratans, which means one of the nine most powerful gemstones in the world. The ruling planet of the ruby stone is Sun or Surya Grah. Sun is a planet of power and boldness. Hence it is believed that this gem brings a person authority and fierceness. Indeed, because of the dark deep red hue, the gem is said to symbolize love and passion.

But other than this, this red gemstone have many benefits. Lets discuss in brief about this gorgeous stone and its many powers. Know how wearing the ruby will be beneficial for you.


Ruby - The Stone of Sun

The Manik Ratan is in association with Sun, it is believed in many cultures around the world. Sun symbolizes strength and individuality. So it is believed that one who wears the ruby stone will get the radiant powers of the sun. Hence, this gem will give its wearer the self-confidence to be bold and stand alone. It will remove any self-doubts and boost self-belief.

Indeed, the gem will bolster the communication and leadership skills. It will give the wearer the determination and fierceness one needs to lead people. And so the individual will get to a position of power or authority.

Activates the Root Chakra

Ruby gem will activate the root chakra in the body of the wearer. Root chakra energy center is the first energy center in our body which as the name suggests opens our connection to the ground. It gives a sense of groundness and stability. Ruby will open this chakra if it is blocked. And so you will find yourself more positive and stable after wearing it. This energy center allows you to be more self-aware and channel your inner needs but by remaining down to Earth.

Indeed you will get a sense of security, a feeling of safety of who you are and all your fears and doubts will go away.

This chakra is like a driving force as well. It will increase your physical energies and stamina as well.

Ruby - Symbolism of Love

A matter of heart, a color that represents love, ruby is found in that deep red hue. And so it have always been a symbol of love. People in ancient times used to have the belief that when you wear an original ruby, this gem will attract love in your life.

If you are married, it will bring you harmony, mutual understanding, pleasure, romance and marital bliss. It also increases sexual prowess and keeps husband and wife close.

While if you are not married, the gem will attract your potential partner to you, bringing you the love you were looking for.

Manik For Passion and Creation

The ruby stone is a gem for creativity as well, therefore, it is often recommended to people who are in the creative field like writers. The gem will open your mind to creativity, it will expand your imagination as well as ignite passion inside you. It will fire the flame and give you the inner strength to face life hurdles and achieve your dreams. Success will come to you as the stone’s positive energies will protect you from negativity, help you balance your emotions and grow in your career with confidence.

A History of Blood & Ruby

Rubies have a rich history which also includes blood obviously. In ancient times, the Manik stones were actually jewels that only royal people used to have. They used to present these jewels as tokens of friendships or relationships, personal or professional. Blood have been spilled for these jewels.

But we are actually talking about the blood connection that the Burmese warriors used to have with these gemstones. Burmese soldiers used to engrave the ruby gems in their armours or in themselves, in their skins. Simply because there was a belief in their community that this stone will protect them. It will give them courage to fight and shield them as well, so there blood will be spilled less.

Another belief in history and context was that the ruby can strengthen the heart and purify the blood. It can maintain the blood circulation and remove any toxic substances from the body of the wearer.

Belief in Ruby Stone Powers

The belief in the powers of ruby was very strong all around the world. This stone can bring the person who wears it to a position of power, it was a very firm belief.

Ancient emperors or other people used to offer prayers along with rubies to Lord Krishna. Because offering rubies to Lord Krishna will reincarnate the offeror as a King.

Healing Powers

Ruby health benefits also adds value to this precious gemstone. The soothing energies of the gem will eliminate anxiety and depression from your life and bring inner peace and calmness.

Indeed, it will maintain the circulatory system, provide relief from menstrual cramps in women, cure any blood-related ailments, and alleviates body pain & headaches.


With a lot of history and beauty, Manik gemstone is a valuable gem. Its rarity makes it desirable and its powers makes it demandable. Due to the healing powers and many beliefs in what it can bring to the person (as mentioned above), people wear this gem highly. It is often used during crystal therapies and spiritual practices as well.

If you also want to get the many benefits of ruby gemstone, but it now from a trustworthy source like Rashi Ratan Bhagya, where you will get original, authentic and lab-certified gemstones at the best prices.

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