Gemstones are powerful and are known to bring both positive and negative vibes. It depends on if you are wearing the right gemstone according to your birth chart or not.

So, yes, astrologically, it is essential to wear a gemstone according to your Rashi and Nakshatras.

Your Rashi is decided based on the Nakshatra in which you were born. Nakshatras are more accurate than the Rashi, so you should consult an expert astrologer and wear a gemstone based on your Nakshatras and Rashi.

In this blog, we have mentioned the gemstones that are best suitable for a particular zodiac sign or Rashi and Nakshatra, as expert astrologers have noted.

Gemstones To Wear As Per Rashi

Each Zodiac sign or rashi is ruled by a particular planet and so the gemstone related to that planet is suggested by astrologers. Whatever your Rashi is, wear the gemstone of it and you will find good luck and fortune coming to your life.

Zodiac Sign / Rashi Ruling Planet Gemstone To Wear
Aries (Mesh Rashi) Mars Red Coral
Taurus (Vrishabha) Venus Diamond / Opal
Gemini (Mithuna) Mercury Emerald
Cancer (Karka Rashi) Moon Pearl
Leo (Sinh Rashi) Sun Ruby
Virgo (Kanya) Mercury Emerald
Libra (Tula Rashi) Venus Diamond
Scorpius (Vrischika) Mars Red Coral
Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) Jupiter Yellow Sapphire
Capricornus (Makar Rashi) Saturn Blue Sapphire
Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi) Saturn Blue Sapphire
Pisces (Meen Rashi) Jupiter Yellow Sapphire

All these gemstones are Navratans, that is, nine powerful gemstones, the most potent in the world. These gems will bring you the blessings of their respective ruling planets. And fill your life with positivity. Each gem has its own benefits and will bring you different positive energies that will affect the different aspects of your life.

Here are the major benefits of each of the Navratan gemstones:

Navratna Gemstone Benefits
Diamond Brings Love, Beauty, and Inner Calmness
Ruby Gives Confidence, Power & Love
Blue Sapphire Attracts Name, Fame & Success
Yellow Sapphire Increases Wisdom and Intellect, brings fortun
Emerald Enhances Communication and creativit
Hessonite Gives 5 Fruits of Live - Salvation, Pleasure, Wealth, Meditation & Righteous Livin
Pearl Brings Romance, Emotional Stability and Calmness
Red Cora Strengthens Marital Bonds, Increases Vitality level
Cats Eye Enhance Intuition Powers

Gemstones To Wear As Per Nakshatra

There are 27 Nakshatras as Per Vedic astrology in total. Each Nakshatra is a different constellation and influences the life of a person differently. Each nakshatra has different characteristics, is governed by different powerful deities and reflects different life lessons or Karma.

We will not go in-depth about what these Nakshatras do in your life, we will talk about that in a different blog.

Here, we will only discuss the gemstone that you should wear as per the Nakshatra you are born in:

Nakshatras Gemstone
Bharni, Purva Phalguni, Purvashadha Diamond
Kritika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttarashadha Ruby
Pushy, Anuradha, Uttarabhadrapada Blue Sapphire
Punvarshu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapada Yellow Sapphire
Ashlesha, Jyestha, Revati Emerald
Ardra, Swati, Shatbhisha Hessonite
Rohini, Hast, Shravan Pearl
Mrigashira, Chitra, Ghanistha Red Coral
Ashwin, Magha, Mul Cats Eye

If you do not know the Nakshatra you are born in, or the one that is reflecting upon your life at the moment, consult an expert astrologer. An astrologer will read your birth chart and recommend the best gemstone that you should be wearing.

Summing Up

Rashi and Nakshatras define our lives moments. As per astrologers, we are born with our faith already written and sometimes there are specific problems that comes in to our lives because of the position of planets and we have no control over them. The best way to overcome and reduce the effects of these problems is by wearing a gemstone, that will protect you with its positive energies.

Consult an astrologer now and buy an authentic gemstone with us. Our team of experts, astrologers, and gemologists will help you throughout the process of getting to know your lucky gemstone and buying an original and untreated one. Visit our website Rashi Ratan Bhagya now.

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