The world of gemstones is enticing and enigmatic. Found in different colors, with different properties and extreme significance in astrology, these crystals or gemstones are scintillating and look astonishing. People wear gemstones all the time for both their beauty and benefits.

Two such beautiful gemstones are opal and moonstone, which are often confused with one another because of their resemblance. These two gemstones resemble each other because of the play of colors on the surface, as well as some quite similar properties. And so many people have doubts like ‘Is Opal and moonstone the same?’.

But no, these are two very distinct gemstones with many Moonstone vs Opal: Factors That Make The Difference like varying origins, physical properties, contrasting popularity and quality, as well as different astrological significance.

Here are all the Opal and moonstone differences to help you figure out which stone you should wear, and which would be more beneficial for you.

Opal Stone vs Moonstone: Origin

The first Opal stone vs moonstone parameter is the origin of these gems. Both of these gemstones are mined from diverse regions and places.

The Opal stones are found in Australia, Ethiopia, Nevada, Canada, Nicaragua, Mexico, Guatemala, Czech Republic, Turkey, Slovakia, Hungary, Indonesia, Brazil, Honduras, etc. The finest quality of the moonstones are the ones extracted from Australia and Ethiopia.

Moonstone gems are mined from areas of Australia, Mexico, Armenia, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Norway, Poland, India, Burma (Myanmar), and the US. The most valuable moonstone gemstones are the ones from Myanmar.

Properties of Opal and Moonstone Gemstones

What are the properties of opal vs moonstone? The composition of these two gemstones is much apart.
The Opal is an ore form of silica, primarily composed of silica particles with dense packing arrangement, having the chemical composition of SiO2. Opal is in amorphous form which is formed in sedimentary rocks through the deposition of silica gel.

Moonstone is a mineral of feldspar with the chemical composition KAlSi3O8. This stone has a crystalline structure and is formed through an igneous process, in which the molten rock cools off and solidifies to make the crystal.

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Opal vs Moonstone: Color Differences

Natural opal gemstones are found in many colors like white, pink, blue, red, green, black, purple, etc. All the opal gemstones have a whimsical play of color on the surface, mostly these colors are flashes of rainbow colors which look magnificent on the solid background color of the stone. One more color of the opal gemstone is the fire opal, which as the name suggests is found in fire colors of shades of red, orange, and yellow.

Moonstones have a brilliant shimmering effect on their surface as well. These stones have an optical effect seen on the surface, a phenomenon known as adularescence. They have a glow, milky-appearance and are found in colors of white, cream, blue, and grey.

Hardness of Opal and Moonstone

While comparing the moonstone to opal, many people consider the hardness of the stone.

  • Is moonstone stronger than opal?

The strength of the stones is rarely measured as it is not possible to measure it without harming the stones. However, the ore of the stones is tested to know their hardness which is their scratch-resistant ability.

An original Opal gemstone has a hardness of 5.5 to 6 out of 10 on the Moh’s scale which is low. This makes this stone prone to scratches easily which is why you should be careful with the Opal jewelry. If you wear it on a daily basis, you should take extra care when you are doing an activity that can scratch it like washing, gardening, playing, etc.

The Moonstone is not much harder than the opal gemstone. A natural moonstone gem has a hardness of 6.0 to 6.5 on the Moh’s scale, which is not much either. Therefore, these gems also need a careful watch.

Some precious gemstones like ruby and emerald are the ones with a hardness of 9. Indeed, Diamonds have a hardness of 10 on Moh’s scale, making them the strongest stone on Earth and the most durable one as well.

Moonstone vs Opal Price, Quality & Value

Gemstones are dynamic, they have significant value, and their price depends on the factors that can influence their value in the market.

Most people have doubts or questions about the Moonstone vs opal price

Is opal more expensive than moonstone?


Which is more valuable moonstone or opal?

There is no way to tell if the gemstone opal is going to be expensive or the moonstone. The cost of the gemstones can vary from stone to stone depending on the cut, color, clarity, and carat along with origin and quality.

Cut - The cut of the gemstone affects the

Color - A gemstone crystal color depends on the chemical element present in the ore. Sometimes the colors have light tint, tone, and less sparkle, which decreases the cost of the moonstone and opal stone. When a stone whether it is opal or moonstone have bright colors with a solid background color, the stone’s value will increase.

Clarity - The more clear the gemstone is the more its cost will be. The clarity of the gemstone is that the stone has fewer abrasives and inclusions and that they are very less visible.

Carat - The carat of a gemstone is its weight. The weight of the stone can decide the price, the more the weight the more the amount.

Origin - Some regions are known from history to extract the best quality gemstones. And so the origin from where a stone is mined also determines the opal vs moonstone price.

Quality - The quality of a gem is determined by its fineness. Opal and moonstone costs will go high if the quality of the particular stones is good.

Does moonstone have any value? Moonstone price in India ranges between Rs. 490.50 - Rs. 9,355.50. So, definitely has enough value in the market these days because of its importance in astrology and beauty. The price of moonstone per carat is 0.80$ to 150$.

On the other hand, natural opal gemstone price lies between Rs. 1,105.20 - Rs. 1,29,087.00. The price of the opal gemstone per carat is $50 to $10,000.

Is opal or moonstone more expensive? As you can see from the comparison, the opal stone has much value in the market these days, although the amount can change based on the factors mentioned above.

Importance & Rarity


Opals are extremely rare gemstones, they are not usually found easily, especially of the finest quality. The Black opal gemstones are the rarest type of opals.

The opal gemstone has much importance in astrological significance because an original opal gemstone activates the sacral chakra in the body of the wearer. This energy center is of water element located below your navel. Hence it is in association with your intimate organs and kidneys. This stone with activation of the sacral chakra assists in enhancing your creativity, increases your intuition powers, boosts synchronization, and improves your sexual intimacy, fulfilling your desires.


Natural moonstone gems are not that rare but the finest quality of moonstones are not found quite easily either. The blue-sheen moonstone is a rare type of moonstone.

The Moonstone is a stone with the calming powers of the moon. This stone activates the crown chakra in the wearer, which increases the divine feminine powers. It increases your senses and psychic attacks. This chakra is responsible for pure consciousness. And so the moonstone is known to connect you with the divine powers. It directs your consciousness towards your soul, rather than your body.

Opal Stone vs Moonstone: Popularity

Opal and moonstone rings are quite popular in the market. Both of these gemstones look gorgeous and so people wear the stones in the form of jewelry all the time. Opal is more popular and has more value as it is believed to have more powers although it is not possible to decide which stone will give you more benefits.

Moonstone on the other hand of the finest quality looks more alluring which is why this stone is used more to make accessories.

As for, opal vs moonstone engagement rings, Considering everything opal stones are mostly used as engagement rings although it purely depends on your preferences, needs, and budget.

Astrological Significance of Opal vs Moonstone

In astrological studies, gemstones are seen as divine crystals which contain many powers. Every gemstone is linked with the universal powers that is the astrological planets. So, each gemstone have its unique qualities and provides distinct benefits to the person who wears them or uses them in their daily life to attract positiveness.

Opal Stone - Benefits and Healing Properties

The ruling planet of a opal stone is Venus. The belief has it that a genuine opal gemstone is of feminine powers that fill the person with beauty, love, and comfort. Therefore, the opal stone is known to bring you wisdom, charm, elegance, and luxury.

The many benefits of wearing opal gemstones are:

  • An original opal gemstone boosts your self-assurance and gives you the charm to appear more put together.
  • It will give you the courage to work toward your objectives and goals. You will discover the strength to face and overcome your life's challenges because of the stone's powers.
  • Opal stone is also said to draw wealth and luxury into the wearer’s life. And so, it will help you succeed.
  • Your capacity for creative thinking as well as your communication skills will also grow.
  • Opal improves wisdom and intellect while fostering empathy in the wearer as well.
  • The ability to become more spiritually enlightened is another opal stone benefit.
  • The peace in your closest relationships will also improve thanks to the opal gemstone. Your relationship with your partner will deepen, resulting in marital pleasure.

Healing Properties of the Opal Gemstone

There are many health benefits of the opal gemstone, read them all here:-

  • Your immune system will be strengthened by the stone, protecting you from hazardous microorganisms and toxins.
  • Additionally, this gem will keep your organs healthy and give you physical stamina.
  • Any conditions affecting the stomach, liver, or kidneys will be cured by it. In fact, the energy of the stone will help your body heal and recover from any wounds.
  • The healing properties of a natural opal gemstone will help treat any eye-related problems, such as weary eyes and eyesight problems.
  • Furthermore recognized for balancing mood swings and hormones, this stone will alleviate anxiety and all other mental health problems. It lessens depression as well.
  • Your reproductive system will also remain in good condition due to the opal gemstone.

Moonstone Benefits and Healing Properties

Moonstone is popularly known as Chandramani, a jewel of the moon. A natural Chandramani is a stone with its ruling planet Moon as the name suggests. Chandra Dev aka Lord Moon blesses the one who wears this gemstone.

And so this stone is known to bring creation, calmness, phases of emotions, and romance into one’s life.

Other benefits of wearing a moonstone gemstone are as follows:

  • Thе stonе's еnеrgy will improvе thе wеarеr's lifе by bringing rеlaxation, pеacе, and sеrеnity.
  • Wеaring a natural moonstonе will assist you in having control over your еmotions. It lеssеns tеnsion and strеss in your lifе, as wеll as rеducеs anxiеty and dеprеssion.
  • Thе еnеrgy of thе stonе will rеmovе all usеlеss thoughts from your mind, clеaring your mind of mеntal hazе, and giving you clarity.
  • Thе moonstonе is also bеliеvеd to bring luck, succеss, and happinеss.
  • Thе stonе will makе you fееl bеttеr about yoursеlf and promotе your sеlf-confidеncе, which will also help you achiеvе your goals.
  • Thе stonе will hеlp you on your journey to God as wеll, making you connеct with thе divinе powеrs.

Hеaling Propеrtiеs of thе Moonstonе Gеm

Thе wеarеr's physical hеalth is impactеd by thе original moonstonе. It will maintain good blood flow and ovеrall wеll-bеing. It will also еliminatе thе harmful chеmicals from your body.

Moonstonе has thе addеd bеnеfit of bеing ablе to curе both brain and stomach-rеlatеd disеasеs. You will bе ablе to ovеrcomе any hеart-rеlatеd problеms as wеll as hеadachеs, nosеblееds, and cramps with thе hеlp of this stonе's еnеrgy.

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