Complete Guide To Navratna
/ 11, Jan, 2025
Which is Rarer? Colombian or Panjshir Emerald?
Emeralds have a rich green color and are relatively rare stones. Also, known as Panna gemstones, these dark lush green gemstones have been a symbol of royalty since ancient times and are highly used to make beautiful pieces of jewelry.
/ 04, Jan, 2025
What is Bagh Bangla Ruby? Indian Ruby
The Bagh Bangla Ruby, also referred to as the Indian Ruby, is one of the most significant red gemstones around the globe. This ruby mined from Bagh Bangla mines of India is highly valued because of the quality and the fine red hue.
/ 30, Dec, 2024
Ruby - The Red Gemstone of Love, Passion and Power
Ruby, also known as the Manik stone, is found in the deep red color. This gem is powerful and is known for its beauty, symbolism and astrological significance. Mostly, this gem is believed to have many powers and hence it is very famous around the world.
/ 06, Nov, 2024
Benefits of Panna Stone for Male
Panna gemstone also known as Emerald stone in English is a deep dark gemstone in green color. It's beautiful and alluring but more than its beauty this stone is irresistible and in demand because of its rarity and powers.
/ 04, Nov, 2024
सुलेमानी हकीक हर क्षेत्र में सफलता दिलाता है जानिए कैसे?
सुलेमानी हकीक, जिसे एगेट के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, वैदिक ज्योतिष में एक शक्तिशाली रत्न है। विभिन्न संस्कृतियों और परंपराओं में इस रत्न का अत्यधिक महत्व है। यह सबसे अधिक मांगे जाना वाला रत्न है जिसमें उपचार और आध्यात्मिक लाभ हैं। इसकी आकर्षक उपस्थिति और शक्तिशाली गुणों ने इसे रत्न प्रेमियों और आध्यात्मिक साधकों के बीच पसंदीदा बना दिया है। इसका नीला रंग इसे सुंदर और आकर्षक बनाता है। यह एक चमत्कारी रत्न है जिसे हर कोई पहन सकता है। जो लोग राहु और केतु के बुरे प्रभावों से गुज़र रहे हैं, उन्हें सुलेमानी अकीक पहनने का सुझाव दिया जाता है।
/ 30, Oct, 2024
Benefits of Pukhraj Stone for Female
Pukhraj or yellow sapphire, a beautiful gemstone yielding a golden yellow ray has always attracted human beings towards it because of its mystical powers according to astrology.
/ 28, Oct, 2024
Gomed Stone Benefits for Career You Must Know
Hessonite, also known as Gomed, is a powerful Navatan that comes in the golden colors and looks gorgeous. Because of the beautiful hue and its shine, this gemstone is highly used to make fine jewelry. However, this stone is most known for its powerful metaphysical properties and healing powers.
/ 26, Oct, 2024
Benefits of Panna Stone for Female
Panna stone also known as Emerald in English is one of the most fascinating gemstones, which has been in the center of attention for centuries. With a brilliant green color and splendid luster is one of the most popular gemstones in the world today. Apart from the ornamental value, there are several useful properties that can be derived from Panna, particularly for ladies.
/ 17, Oct, 2024
वैवाहिक समस्याओं को हल करने के लिए कौन से रत्न पहने?
शादी जीवन का एक अहम हिस्सा है जो हमें एक ऐसा साथी देता है जो हमारी ज़िंदगी का गवाह बन सके। कुछ लोगों के लिए यह एक खूबसूरत सफ़र होता है, जबकि कुछ लोगों के लिए यह एक बुरा अनुभव होता है। रिश्ते कभी भी परफेक्ट नहीं होते और शादी सबसे मुश्किल रिश्ता है जिसे निभाना हर किसी के बस की बात नहीं क्योंकि आप अपने साथी के जन्म से ही आदी नहीं होते, आप उन्हें चुनते हैं।
/ 14, Oct, 2024
How Real Red Coral Bracelet Can Increase Your Energy?
Red Coral gemstone is a powerful gem which is ruled by the planet Mars. Mars or Mangal Grah is a planet of energy, strength, and fierceness as per Vedic astrology.
/ 10, Oct, 2024
Yellow Sapphire Stone Price Guide - How to Determine Pukhraj Price?
Yellow Sapphire has the blessings of Jupiter and anyone who wears it will get fortune, intelligence, and success. This lively gemstone is a powerpack but if you want to look elegant, plus, wanna get the many benefits of Pukhraj stone, you must wear an authentic gemstone. However, where will you get an original yellow sapphire, and that too at the best price?
/ 07, Oct, 2024
Emerald Stone Price Guide - How to Determine Panna Price?
Emerald stone price depends on the quality of the gemstone, its origin, and treatment processes. The quality is determined by the color and clarity of the stone as well as cut and carat weight are also the factors that can affect How emerald is priced.