Yellow Sapphire is a Very Beautiful and Extravagant Gemstone that is Part of the “Nine Planetary '' Gem, also known as Navaratna. This marvellous Gemstone is also known by various other names worldwide such as Pukhraj, Peetmani, Push Raja, KanakaPushyaragam, Wisdom Stone, or Jupiter Stone.

The Ruling planet of this Gemstone is “Jupiter or Brihaspati”. In Vedic Astrology Jupiter is considered as the controlling planet of Growth, Wisdom, Abundance, and knowledge.

Therefore, anyone who wears a Yellow Sapphire Gemstone acquires plentiful knowledge, success, glory, and wealth in all facets of life.

It is believed that this stone is especially beneficial to married couples since it makes marital life blissful and hassle-free. Apart from this people also wear this Gemstone to achieve business growth, success in careers, unshakable willpower, and intelligence.

Like numerous other Sapphires, “Yellow Sapphire” is also a Birthstone of September, but it also serves as a Birthstone of November. This Beautiful Gemstone comes from the Corundum family of gemstones which consists of aluminium oxide minerals and due to some iron impurities, it gets its unique Yellow colour.This stone is found in many parts of the world but the best Quality Yellow Sapphires are found in Sri Lanka and Myanmar.


Pukhraj Stone Side Effects

Yellow Sapphire has several Astrological Benefits but if worn without consulting an astrologer then it can also provide horrendous side effects to the wearer such as:

  1. Disturbed Personal and Professional Life: After wearing Pukhraj many people have complained about experiencing frequent arguments, fights, rifts, misunderstandings, tensions, and problems with their husband or wife. Since powerful astrological energies of this stone can negatively affect the marital life of couples.
  2. Experiencing Negative Health Effects: Some of the most common side effects of wearing this stone are that, the wearer of this gemstone starts facing several health problems such as headache, Migraine, sudden body pain, uneasiness, high blood pressure, weight gain and difficulty in bowel motion in the stomach, etc.
  3. Facing Unusual Financial Problems: Wearing a Yellow Sapphire stone wrongly can also result in massive financial loss or in decline in the current riches of the wearer.
  4. Disturbance in Social Life and Unhappiness: Due to Jupiter’s adverse influence some people's social life gets disturbed, they may also get a bad reputation in society and remain unhappy for a very long time. Apart from this, the wearer might become excessively restless, egoistic, arrogant, highly ambitious, and disrespectful to other people too.
  5. Poor Decision Making Ability: Due to Pukhraj side effects the wearer’s logical thinking and decision making too gets affected resulting in bad decision making and subsequent losses.

Who Should Not Wear Yellow Sapphire

Yellow sapphire doesn’t suit everyone, therefore we have provided the list of people who should not wear this gemstone, please read:

  1. Yellow Sapphire's numerous astrological powers don't align with the people born under some zodiac signs such as Aquarius, Capricorn, Libra, Virgo, Gemini, and Taurus. Etc.
  2. It is advisable that the people who have Planet Jupiter positioned in the strongest position in their respective horoscope must not wear this Gemstone at any cost.
  3. If a person is already wearing Emerald then he should never wear Yellow Sapphire since the ruling planets of these gemstones Mercury and Jupiter are adversaries to each other and their astrological frequencies and metaphysical properties don't match which might result in negative effects in the future.
  4. People suffering from depression, anxiety, anger issues, confusion, restlessness, mood swings, and emotional turmoil should stay away from wearing this gemstone since it may elevate these problems.
  5. People who have a long history of High Blood pressure or Heart-related diseases should also avoid wearing Pukhraj Since it is known to stimulate the Heart Chakra of the wearers.

How to Avoid the Negative Effects of Yellow Sapphire

To avoid the several negative effects of yellow sapphire it is important to follow these steps”

  1. Consult an Astrologer: Before wearing a Yellow Sapphire it is advisable to consult an astrologer to confirm whether it will suit your Horoscope or not since it can not match with some zodiacs and nakshatra.
  2. Checking the suitability of the Gemstone: Before wearing Yellow sapphire it is important to test whether it suits you or not. You must keep the Stone under your pillow before sleeping or try wearing it with some other gemstone to know if it's causing some horrendous or bad effects or not. If you experience any harmful effects, bad dreams or problems in the upcoming 7 days then, you should discontinue wearing the stone immediately.
  3. Wear only a High Quality and Certified Gemstone: Before wearing this gemstone it is very important to check the quality and transparency of the stone. Since, bad quality, broken and spotted gemstones can also have negative effects. You must buy the gemstone only from a trusted and reputed gemstone seller only. Make sure to acquire the quality certificate from the Jeweller too.
  4. Start wearing the stone on Correct Day and Time: To achieve the best results of this gemstone, the wearer must wear it on the right day of the week. Yellow sapphire must be worn on the Thursday morning of Shukla Paksha of the month.
  5. Before wearing the Gemstone must be properly Energised in the right way: In order to energise the stone before wearing, the wearer must sit on a yellow mat facing north or northeast direction. Before wearing the Ring with yellow sapphire stone it must be dipped in the mixture of Holy Ganga water and Milk for an hour. After this the wearer must burn 5 incense sticks and yellow flowers must be presented to the governing planet Jupiter by chanting the mantra “ॐ ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रौं स: गुरवे नम:” 108 times.
  6. Don’t wear the Gemstone for a long time: In the beginning, don’t wear this ring for long periods of time. Wear it for 4 to 6 hours every day and remove it. You should gradually increase the wearing time to get accustomed to the gemstone and avoid any potential side effects of the stone

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