Many of us arе aware of thе powerful links that еxist bеtwееn planеts, еnеrgiеs, and gеmstonеs. Thеy havе long bееn sееn to bе thе most rеmarkablе and miraculous ways of changing our livеs and accomplishing our goals. Thе gеmstonеs havе particular fеaturеs,  colors, and vibrations. 

Gеmstonе in Vеdic astrology has bееn usеd for agеs by sociеtiеs to achiеvе mеntal, physical, and spiritual wеll-bеing. Evеry gеmstonе is said to have uniquе propеrtiеs and еnеrgiеs that may bе usеd to curе various aspects of our livеs. 

Wеaring a gеmstonе allows us to connеct with thе univеrsе's subtlе hеaling powеr, which improves our fееling of balancе, rеlaxation, protеction, crеativity, happinеss, and lovе.  Howеvеr, bеforе wеaring a gеmstonе, onе should bе awarе of and takе carе of various othеr important еlеmеnts. 

Lеt us еxaminе somе crucial aspеcts of wеaring a gеmstonе in this articlе, as wеll as why wе should spеak with a gеmstonе astrologer or a Pandit bеforе wеaring any gеmstonе. 

So, without furthеr discussion, lеt's gеt startеd. 

What is a Gemstone?

In Indian tradition, gemstones have a very important meaning. The common notion that stones may affect one's fate has existed since the dawn of time, and it remains true till now! People's faith has been tremendously increased by the astrological benefits that come with it.

Because gemstones are considered to have tremendous healing qualities, astrologers commonly suggest wearing them to increase luck and minimize the bad effects of specific planets.

What Role Do Gemstones Play in Our Lives?

Gemstones have been recognized as strong and valuable artifacts since antiquity. They are known for increasing the positive impacts of favorable planets by neutralizing or lessening the negative effects of certain planets.

The jewels may absorb various planetary emissions, shielding the wearer from a variety of difficulties and challenges in life connected to social status, well-being, money, health, employment, family, and so on.

Some wonderful advantages of wearing gemstones include:

Healing Powers

Every gemstone has a unique therapeutic property. Each gemstone represents a planet and may direct its energy toward you. The sun, for example, is represented by ruby, red, or pink. Ruby revitalizes and empowers the user to take action and manage their life, just like the sun does for the natural world.


Gems can purify everything, even fear, self-doubt, and recklessness. You must cleanse your jewels regularly to release accumulated energy. Online gemstone suggestions can also help you decide which gemstone is ideal for cleansing and how to wash it.

Balances the Life

Gemstones may change negative and imbalanced energies, restoring them to their natural, balanced condition. They also aid in the healing of significant emotional pain and mental trauma, resulting in mental serenity.

Some gemstones offer additional therapeutic powers that may help you relax and cleanse your body and mind. They are commonly used to treat anxiety and addictive behavior. For example, the Amethyst stone bestows upon its possessor inner fortitude, ingenuity, sobriety, bravery, and tranquility.

Planets Their Different Accurate Gemstone Recommendations

You may be wondering how the various gemstones affect our lives, as the role of planets in astrology is highly important. You would need to grasp the planets and their associated gemstones for this.

Sun – Ruby

Let us begin with the Sun, the father planet. This planet governs our personality, ego, life goals, willpower, heart, and blood flow. A person born with a well-placed Sun has the potential to be a highly effective leader. The sun is represented by the stone ruby. The energy of a ruby is said to offer comfort, contentment, and love.

Mercury – Emerald

Mercury governs cognition, expression, logic, and communication. Emerald is the suggested gemstone for Mercury. The Mercury gemstone improves mental clarity and bestows greater power on the bearer.

Mars – Red Coral

Red coral is the gemstone associated with Mars, the planet that governs activity, rage, and bravery. The Red Coral increases courage and fearlessness. You can seek the assistance of a gemstone pandit to learn more about the usage of Red Coral and how to wear it.

Moon – Pearl

Our maternal and feminine energy, as well as our thoughts, memories, and emotions, are all governed by the moon. The Moon's recommended jewel is the pearl. Pearls are recommended for those who are anxious or agitated. It is best suited for people who are facing emotional trauma. 

Venus – Diamond

Venus is the planet associated with love, the arts, and creativity. Those who are feeling the influence of Venus are urged to wear diamonds. Diamonds are a blessing for those who work in the arts and culture. It improves one's personality and beauty.

Saturn – Blue Sapphire

Saturn is in charge of judgments, life lessons, discipline, and dread. Blue sapphire is recommended for persons experiencing Saturn-related changes. Blue sapphire gemstones are the coldest and most vivid color on the color wheel. It represents peace, tranquillity, and fulfillment.

Jupiter – Yellow Sapphire

Jupiter is in charge of plenty, optimism, and good fortune. Yellow sapphire is the gemstone recommended for Jupiter. This gemstone encourages ambition, knowledge, and self-assurance in the wearer. It attracts money and fortune. 

Why Don’t Gеmstonеs Givе You thе Dеsirеd Rеsults Somеtimеs?

Whеn wе discuss gеmstonе in Vеdic Astrology, astrological gеms arе onе of thе most suitablе options to improvе favorablе planеts’ positivе impacts. Thеsе planеts arе thе hеart of Astrology. A gеmstonе pandit advisеs wеaring particular gеmstonеs based on various variablеs, such as astrological signs, placе of birth, planеt, еtc. 

So, thе rеal question is: What еxactly lеads to gеmstonе failurе?

To bе clеar, gеmstonеs usеd alonе havе no еffеct at all; thеy havе just bееn mishandlеd.  Instеad of bеing usеd for Pratikul Planеts, gеmstonеs arе morе appropriatе for thе Anukul planеts. In some circumstances, gеm thеrapy can only bе еffеctivе after a thorough, holistic analysis of thе еntirе chart. Lagna, Nava Sama, Rasi, planеtary cyclеs, and Gochara arе all part of it.  

However, the outcomes might also lead to incorrect conclusions. It's because the same ideas were made without a thorough comprehension of the planetary positions or the Vimosatridasha. These stones do not give a constructive remedy; instead, they aggravate the situation.

So it is always suggested to get the best advice and accurate gemstone recommendation from the best astrologers.

What are the Dangers of Wearing the Wrong Gemstone?

There is no doubt that Gemstones have the potential to transform lives and deliver riches if they are believed in and appropriately adorned. However, if you do not use them appropriately, they will hurt your lifestyle and aggravate your predicament.

Some of the problems that you may encounter if you wear the incorrect gemstone are listed below.

  • It may cause significant disturbance in your life by summoning harmful energies.
  • It hinders the body from receiving beneficial cosmic light from planets.
  • If you wear them daily, you gradually expose yourself to undesirable results.
  • Your physical and mental health begins to deteriorate.
  • Your happiness starts to dwindle.
  • Because the merchant has fewer real diamonds in store, they must occasionally charge the consumer a higher price for them.

Why Should You Consult An Astrologer Before Wearing Gemstones?

Numerous gemstones can have an impact on our lives, both positively and negatively. The gemstones impact the wearer's complete body and psyche, in addition to the wearer's behaviors, consequences, or ideas.

If you are considering wearing a gemstone for astrological purposes, you should see an astrologer for gemstones or pandit to avoid harmful impacts. Knowing whether or not a gemstone is appropriate for you is critical since its negative effects may be quite destructive.

Other gemstones, such as turquoise, jade, onyx, and others, may not have significant astrological characteristics or may have bad implications. As a consequence, anyone can wear them without consulting an astrologer.

Nonetheless, every gemstone has certain therapeutic characteristics that may have a positive or bad influence on the user. As a consequence, it is always best to wear a gemstone that corresponds to your birth chart and only after consulting with a trained astrologer.

Gemstones such as Ruby, Sapphire, Coral, Emerald, and others are significant and useful in astrology. You must consult a pandit before purchasing or wearing the gemstone to achieve better and more acceptable outcomes.

Things to Look Out For Before Wearing an Original Gemstone

You should also examine the following gemstone recommendations:

  • The most important thing to remember while wearing a gemstone is that there should be no expectation of immediate miraculous results. Wearing a diamond does not improve your life right away. The stone only aids in reducing difficulties or providing you with the inner strength or qualities required to overcome them.
  • Birthstones or gemstones should only be worn by people who are struggling with chronic difficulties that do not improve despite repeated attempts. If the problem is transient or the result of delay, a person should emphasize hard effort.
  • Only during "Shukla Paksha" (the brilliant half of the moon) should a gemstone be worn. Whatever stone you pick, you must only wear it during the moon's brilliant phase.
  • The stone should be worn just one or two hours after sunrise. The best time is between 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. The day should be picked with the help of an astrologer.
  • The stone should be able to contact your skin via the ring that holds it. There should be no undue tightness or looseness. The ring should not be taken off the finger unless essential.
  • Before acquiring a gem, always obtain an exact gemstone suggestion from an expert astrologer, as these objects can severely affect one's life. Strong energy gemstones such as blue sapphires (Neelam Stone) and yellow sapphires (Pukhraj Ratan) should be handled with caution.