Yellow sapphire, also known as “Pukhraj or Kanakapushyaragam" is a very mystical and powerful gemstone which possesses numerous astrological benefits. Yellow Sapphire is also the highest demanded gemstone in the market due to its remarkable astrological benefits and numerous healing properties. Premium Quality Yellow Sapphire Gemstones are priced high and can go as much in millions.Thus, everyone cannot afford it and due to this people search for substitutes or upratna of this amazing gemstone, that are cheaper and relatively provide the same benefits as yellow sapphire.In this blog let’s explore some of the major substitutes of the yellow sapphire which are not only beautiful and affordable, but are also effective.

Best Yellow Sapphire Substitutes

  1. Citrine
  2. Yellow Topaz
  3. Yellow Jade
  4. Golden Beryl
  5. Yellow Tourmaline
  6. Yellow Fluorite


Citrine, a member of the quartz mineral family which is known for its elegant golden yellow colour.It has a hardness level of 7 on Mohs scale. Citrine is also known as “sunela" and its ruling planet is Jupiter or Brihaspati. This semiprecious stone is also found in the golden brown colour known as Madeira Citrine. Citrine gemstone is a suitable substitute for the Pukhraj, since it is known to increase the wealth and intelligence of the wearer. This stone also enhances the growth of business and career, therefore it is also called a merchant's stone. This gemstone heals various ailments such as heart problems, diabetes, constipation and increases the blood circulation in the body. The price of this stone varies between INR 125 per carat to INR 400 per carat which makes it affordable for everyone.

Yellow Topaz

Another famous stone which is often used as a substitute for the yellow sapphire is yellow topaz. Yellow topaz is a semi precious stone and is usually dyed. This gemstone is a unique silicate of fluorine and aluminium. This amazing stone is found in many countries around the world such as Australia, Africa, Brazil, Ukraine and the United States. This enchanting gemstone heals the manipura or solar plexus chakra of the wearer. This gemstone is very helpful in treating various health issues such as diarrhoea, insomnia, and respiratory problems. It also improves the immune system and willpower of the wearer which helps him in fighting various diseases and addictions. This stone also increases the spirituality of the person wearing it and helps in becoming a better person. Price of Yellow Topaz ranges between INR 250 to 450 per carat which makes it a very appropriate substitute for the yellow sapphire.

Yellow Jade

Yellow Jade also works as a substitute for the yellow sapphire. This shiny stone has a hardness level of 6 on mohs scale which is less than yellow sapphire.This beautiful crystal costs from INR 280 per carat onwards in India. This gemstone is known to bring emotional balance in the wearer and alleviate issues related to depression and anxiety. This gemstone boosts self confidence and improves metabolic function and digestion. Yellow Jade gemstone is known to heal problems related to thyroid gland and spleen too. In China and many other countries this gemstone is used as a good omen and believed to bring good fortune and prosperity.

Golden Beryl

Golden Beryl also possesses an identical hue to yellow sapphire. However, both these gemstones belong to different mineral families. Sapphire belongs to the corundum family whereas golden beryl is a type of aluminium beryllium silicate. This gemstone is known to increase the intelligence and improve the decision making power of the wearer. This gemstone is one of the best to drive away evil energies from the house. It costs around INR 1000 per carat onwards in India which makes it a great substitute for yellow sapphire.

Yellow Tourmaline

This dazzling gemstone is also known as “Canary Tourmaline” in some parts of the world. It is also an affordable and inexpensive substitute for the Pukhraj stone. The cost of this gemstone starts from INR 2700 per carat onwards which makes it affordable for everyone. This mystical gemstone belongs to the Boron silicon family of minerals and holds many other colour hues such as yellow and golden yellow. This gemstone is known to treat ailments related to liver and heart and improves the blood circulation of the wearer. This crystal improves concentration and works as a stress buster. It also protects the wearer from negative energies and brings harmony among family members.

Yellow Fluorite

This marvellous gemstone belongs to the mineral family of calcium fluoride and holds a lush yellow colour similar to Pukhraj. Yellow Fluorite is an incredibly high quality and versatile stone which is known to bring clarity of thoughts in the mind of the wearer. This crystal increases courage, creativity and optimism in the character, and makes the wearer emotionally stable. It decreases the cholesterol levels and removes the toxins from the body too. It also helps in treating the problems related to the Joints, teeth and nails.The price of this amazing crystal ranges between INR 250 per carat to INR 1000 per carat.


We have listed all the potential yellow sapphire substitutes or alternatives in this blog based on their yellow colour tones and related healing properties. These gemstones could be worn by anyone, but it is advised to consult with a trusted astrologer. Above mentioned gemstones are not only effective but also cheaper in comparison to Yellow Sapphire, Pukhraj.