Pitambari sapphire also known as Pitambari Neelam, is a bi-color uncommon sapphire from the Corundum mineral family that blends blue and yellow colors in varying amounts. As per Vedic astrology, this gemstone is the mixture of the two most precious and astrological powerful gemstones which are Neelam (Blue sapphire) and Pukhraj (Yellow Sapphire) which represents the most powerful planet (Grah) Shani Grah (Planet Saturn) or Brhaspati Grah (planet Jupiter).

Astrologers and Vedic experts suggest this natural Pitambari stone to anyone seeking good fortune, financial prosperity, a healthy physique, and increased social standing. Furthermore, pitambari is a fast-acting gemstone that counteracts the malevolent impact of Jupiter and Saturn and ensures complete delight and contentment.

What Are The Astrological Benefits Of Wearing Pitambari Neelam?

Pitambari or Pitambari Neelam is extremely good for people whose Saturn is still in the sign of Jupiter or the Sun. Astrologers also advocate wearing this gemstone when Saturn and Jupiter align in the birth chart because it brings the user good health, wealth, luck, and riches.

In addition, if a person suffers from financial losses, this Pitambari stone is regarded as auspicious since it gives wealth and positive energy. Some advantages of wearing a Pitambari Neelam are listed below.


Pitambari Assist You In Making Better Decisions

Many astrologers say that the Pitambari gemstone represents a methodical, steady, and disciplined approach to the wearer since it interacts with Jupiter and Saturn, the planets with sluggish movements. Pitambari Neelam or Pukraj also supplies the bearer with karmic Saturn's proper judging abilities and Jupiter's consciousness.

Pitambari Neelam Bring Fame, Popularity, And Luck

Another advantage of buying genuine Pitambari gemstones online after seeing an astrologer is that they bring popularity and good fortune to the wearer's life.

Pitambari Sapphire’s Extraordinary Healing Qualities

Pitambari clears negative energy from the wearer's chakras and promotes happiness and prosperity. It is a quick-acting gemstone that teaches you how to regulate your emotions and is also excellent for veins and nerve problems. Furthermore, it boosts self-esteem and self-worth, assists in mineral absorption, and maintains fluid levels in your body.

What Is The Distinction Between Pitambari Neelam And Pukhraj?

A Yellow Sapphire is pure yellow in hue, without interference from other colors or gem types.

A genuine Neelam gemstone is a vibrant blue. The hue shifts from pale blue to dark blue.

A natural Pitambari gemstone is a combination of White or Yellow Sapphire with a genuine Neelam. When you look at the diamond, you can see at least two hues or tones--yellow, blue, and sometimes white.

So, your online or offline search for Pitambari pukhraj should bring you to a very different gemstone that is unlike both Neelam and Pukhraj.

Pitambari Is Appropriate For Which Rashi?

People born under the sign of Capricorn (Makar) or Aquarius (Kumba) should wear Pitambari gemstones to improve the weak planetary union of Jupiter and Saturn and get maximum advantages if they are positioned favorably in their Kundli. Furthermore, because Pitambari is a dominating gemstone, astrologers recommend it only after a thorough examination of the horoscope and astrological alignments.

How Should Pitambari Be Worn?

Learning how to energize Pitambari before wearing it to gain pleasant emotions is critical. Wearing pure Pitambari, according to experienced and learned astrologers, is advantageous for the well-being of a person whose horoscope has the planets Jupiter and Saturn in susceptible positions.

Furthermore, wearing the Pitambari gemstone alleviates a wide range of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual deflections. Also, the finest days and times to wear Pitambari are Thursday and Saturday at sunrise. Before wearing this gemstone, however, soak the ring in a solution of Ganges water, milk, honey, ghee, and sugar.

Then, ignite the five agarbatti and say "OM GREEM GROOM SA GURUVEH NAMAH" 108 times to invoke Shani Dev's blessings. Furthermore, for best advantages, astrologers advocate wearing Pitambari on a silver band around the middle or ring finger.

Furthermore, according to Ayurveda, wearing Pitambari when suffering from illnesses and disorders such as fever, heart disease, or cough might provide significant health advantages.

Factors That Decide The Quality Of Pitambari Sapphire?

The main factors influencing Pitambari quality are color, provenance, and clarity. As a result, when looking for the greatest unique Pitambari gemstones online, keep the following criteria in mind.

Origin:- Pitambari Neelam or Pitambari is a relatively rare form of Sapphire gemstone that is supplied in limited quantities from sapphire sources in Burma, Sri Lanka, the United States of America, Brazil, and other East Asian countries. However, Sri Lankan Pitambri is world-renowned for its exceptional clarity and obvious color zoning.

Color of Pitambari Neelam:- Color is another important factor to consider when evaluating a Pitambari gemstone. The overall quality of the stone is determined by the texture, intensity, and ratio of yellow and blue. Pitambari Neelam gemstones with a larger blue ratio are known as Neelambari, whereas Pitambari gemstones have a more yellow hue with a small blue tint.

Clarity:- Rutile silk, feathers, and fingerprints, as well as the placement, uniformity, and volume of these natural formations inside the Pitambari gemstone, attest to its high quality.

What Are The Side Effects Of Wearing Pitambari Neelam?

If Blue and Yellow Sapphire are strong, Pitamabari, a mixture of the two, is twice as powerful. Because of this, it is a dangerously strong stone to wear. If it is incompatible with your birth chart, it might cause serious problems in your life.

The following are some Pitambari Neelam adverse effects:

  • If the Pitambari Neelam stone does not fit you, you may feel dizziness and exhaustion, like with any other Sapphire stone.
  • You may have nightmares and incur unexpected financial losses.
  • Your health may deteriorate, and you may endure fevers, nausea, and other serious problems.
  • Unexpected difficulties and unaddressed obstacles may destroy your relationships.
  • Forget about guesswork and chance; you might distrust your abilities since even the most predicted results will not be in your favor.