Ruby is one of the most revered gemstones in the world. It belongs to the corundum mineral family. Rubies are found in many countries of the world such as Myanmar, Afghanistan, Australia, Cambodia, India, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, and the United States.

According to Vedic astrology, this scintillating gemstone is associated with the planet sun. It is believed that rubies increase the confidence and courage of the wearer. It also protects the wearer from various types of evil energies.

However, all these astrological effects are shown only by a real ruby. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a genuine ruby gemstone to acquire its astrological benefits. But it is not easy to distinguish a real ruby from a fake one. In this blog, we are going to tell you the ways to find out the authenticity of rubies. Please read further to know the difference between real vs fake ruby.

How to identify ruby quality?

We are going to tell you the ways of checking how to identify original ruby. You must consider the following factors before buying a ruby:

Color: Look at the stone's color. Deep red tones, ranging from mild to dark, are characteristic of rubies. If the color seems overly vivid, proceed with caution as it may suggest a manufactured stone.

Clarity: As a result of their natural production process, genuine rubies frequently contain some inclusions or intrinsic imperfections. It might be a fake if you find bubbles, scratches, or air pockets within the stone, or if the clarity is perfect.

Cut: Evaluate the gemstone's form and cut. A ruby with proper cutting will reflect light uniformly and have symmetrical facets. Unevenly shaped how to identify ruby quality or poorly cut stones may be signs of fraud.

Hardness: Original Rubies have a Mohs mineral hardness score of 9, making them among the toughest jewels. If a gemstone is easily scratched or exhibits wear and tear then it might not be a real ruby stone.

Weight: Take into account the stone's weight. Since most synthetic rubies are denser than real rubies, a stone of the same size may be phony if it seems exceptionally light.

Heat resistance: The heat resistance of rubies is very great. By using tweezers and other safety measures, you can conduct a simple heat test on the stone by quickly exposing it to flames and observing its reaction. While a fake ruby may become broken or tarnished, a real one won't be impacted.

How to Identify Real Ruby?

In addition to the above-mentioned check, you must conduct some tests on your piece of ruby to check its originality. Some of the important tests to check whether rubies are original or not are given below:

Perform a Scratch Test

Genuine ruby stones are recognized for their exceptional toughness. The Mohs hardness scale gives rubies a score of 9. This indicates that a natural ruby stone is less likely to be scratched or damaged. One of the finest ways to determine whether a ruby is real or fake is to do a traditional scratch test. Scratch vigorously at a ruby's surface with a stone or stiff substance. A scratched ruby stone isn't a genuine one. The surface of a genuine Manik stone will never be scratched.

Conduct a Rub Test

To identify a natural ruby sometimes the jewelers also perform a rub test on the surface of the ruby. To conduct this test a natural ruby is rubbed against the surface of a porcelain or glass. Since glass is softer than rubies rubbing a ruby on it doesn’t leave any residue.

Using an Electronic Gem Tester

You can also use an electronic gem tester to find out whether the piece of ruby gemstone you are purchasing is real or not. This amazing machine uses sophisticated technology to find out the innate properties of gemstones and provide detailed information about their formation. Which helps in finding out its authenticity. This small equipment uses a variety of testing techniques, including optic response, electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity, to assess the properties of the different gems. An electronic gem tester may identify possible synthetics or imitations and distinguish between various gemstone varieties by measuring and evaluating these characteristics.

Conducting a Flashlight Test

The easiest and fastest method to determine if a ruby is real or not is using a flashlight test.

Bring in a flashlight, switch it on, and shine it on the gemstone to do this test. When light is directed at a ruby, it will sparkle brightly if it is real. A false ruby, on the other hand, will allow light to pass through it.

Check the Price of Ruby

As we all know natural ruby stones are extremely rare and expensive. On the other hand, the price of the fake rubies is very low compared to the original ruby stones. According to a market survey, lab-grown rubies are 30% less expensive than real rubies. Imitated or fake ruby stones are typically 90% less expensive than genuine ruby stones. By comparing the price of the rubies you can easily find the the reality of the ruby gemstones.

Gemstone Certification

It's crucial to remember that some synthetic rubies can resemble real ones quite a bit, and precise identification of them requires sophisticated laboratory techniques. Therefore, it is recommended to obtain a gemstone certification of the ruby to know its authenticity.


These were some of the important methods to find out the authenticity of a ruby stone. You can purchase a certified ruby stone from Rashi Ratan Bhagya. It is India’s leading gemstone company that sells all kinds of precious and semi-precious stones at affordable prices.

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