Our body is a center of energies which we get from the universe and the universe gets from us. The flow of energies takes place everywhere there is no denying that. And so they play a vital role in our existence as well. These energies when passed through us affect each person in a different way.

They open and energize us and the energy centers in our body. You must have heard it a lot of times. But does this actually work?

What are the Energy Chakras? How do they affect us? How to Unblock them? Which Gemstone to wear for which energy chakra?

In this article, we will answer all of these questions for you and help you know the scientific reason behind wearing gemstones and crystals, all about how greatly the activate chakras in our body.

What are Energy Chakras?

The word chakra comes from the most ancient language we know - Sanskrit. The meaning of this word is “Wheel”. Ancient people believe that energies do not flow directly in and out but in the form of circular motion so that they affect us ferociously. Our modern science also mentioned that we have circular wheel-like vortexes in our body which draw energy from the surroundings on vibrational levels. And so we consume every type of energy from our environment from the feelings of other people to thoughts, and nature’s calm or turbulences.

Hence everything we come in contact with has an effect on us.

7 Energy Chakras of Human Body

Mainly, there are seven energy centers of chakras in our body that flow different types of energies on different vibrations or wavelengths. From bottom to top, these seven chakras have different properties and affect distinct parts of us and our lives.

  1. Root chakra (Muldhara chakra)
  2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthan Chakra)
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra)
  4. Heart Charka (Anahata Chakra)
  5. Throat Chakra (Visuddha Chakra)
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra)
  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra)

How Does Chakras Affect Our Life?

Chakras in their natural states let the energies flow through our body. They consume energy as well as radiates them. Since the energies are of different vibrations their impact is on different parts as well. If you know, the energy chakras each is defined by a particular color. They are the rainbow colors, the spectrum of seven colors that appear when white light is reflected on a prism.

Each color of this rainbow spectrum has its own wavelength, its own vibrations, and thus our energy centers. Red is the longest wavelength and is known for its warmth. The first chakra at the bottom is the root chakra is represented by the color red.

Violet's wavelength is the shortest but the fastest known for cool and calm, representing the Crown chakra, the first chakra from the top.

So it is clear that each chakra radiates energy and consumes energy of various vibration levels. The organs that work on the frequencies of the same level of a particular chakra get affected by these energies. When the energy centers all are in sync, and balanced, you will be happier and healthier. You will be more in sync with yourself as well.

Sometimes, these energy centers get unbalanced. They get out of sync because of many reasons - basically the situations of your life. Bad experiences, sadness, abuse, and the negative influence of other people can cause the energy center's blockage.

When your energy chakras get blocked your life can go worse. Even when one of the energy centers goes out of sync, it can cause other energy chakras to go out of sync as well - it will be a chain reaction. This will affect you on mental, emotional, and physical levels, causing your life to take a bad turn.

If you want to Nurture your mind, body, and soul, and let your energy centers be in tune, you should control the energies of your chakras and let them be activated. You can do Yoga, meditation, and other forms of calming activities to activate your energy chakras. However, the best way to let your energy chakras be in sync with each other and give your life a happier tuning is by wearing gemstones.

Each energy charka has a distinct vibration and so are the gemstones. Distinctive energies will come to you when you wear a gemstone for a particular chakra and balance your center.

Gemstones to Activate Chakras in Human Body

Know which gemstone you should wear to activate which energy chakra:

Red Coral Stone for Root Chakra

Red Coral Stone for Root Chakra

Root chakra which is also known as the Muldhara chakra is located at the base of the spine. Hence, sometimes it is also called the Base Chakra. This chakra is defined by the red color.

This chakra is responsible for your sense of security, safety, and stability, and represents your foundation. This belongs to the Earth element and is known for your survival instincts.

When this energy chakra is blocked, you will feel ungrounded and insecure. It will increase fear in you and unsafe. Wearing a natural red coral gemstone will balance your root chakra.

Hessonite and Ruby gemstones are also associated with the Root chakra. So, you can also wear these stones to activate your root chakra.

Carnelian Stone for Sacral Chakra

Carnelian Stone for Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is located at the lower abdomen of our body and is also known as the Svadhisthan Chakra. Belonging to the Water Element, this chakra is known to give you creativeness, sensibility, and sexuality. It gives you pleasure and abundance.

Color Orange represents this second chakra of the seven. When this chakra is blocked you will feel a lack of control and creativity. It will make you anxious and lonely and can cause you to be emotionally detached or unstable.

You can also wear Sunstone, or orange calcite to activate your sacral chakra.

Yellow Sapphire Gemstone for Solar Plexus Chakra

Yellow Sapphire Stone for Solar Plexus Chakra

Located at the upper abdomen, the Solar Plexus chakra is defined by the color yellow. And so Yellow sapphire stone is the perfect stone to open this chakra. Also known as the Manipura Chakra, it’s the element of fire.

Wearing an original yellow sapphire stone will activate this chakra which will enhance your self-confidence and self-esteem. Your sense of freedom and confidence will empower which will give you self-belief as well.

If this chakra is blocked, you will feel hopeless. Your confidence will be low and so you will doubt yourself in everything.

Emerald Stone for Heart Chakra

Emerald Stone for Heart Chakra

Moving on to the third chakra which is the Heart chakra also called Anahata Chakra, represented by the color Green. This chakra is responsible for opening your heart and enhancing the feelings of love, compassion, and forgiveness.

Belonging to the air element, this chakra will reflect on you and your feelings and will let you make deeper bonds. Located at the center of our chest, this chakra when blocked will block love in you. You will feel disconnected from the beautiful joy of feeling love.

Wearing an emerald gemstones to activate Your heart Chakra which is a stone of prosperity, passion, and luck, the heart chakra will activate, and you will be able to open your heart.

Blue Topaz for Throat Chakra

blue topaz throat chakra

The throat chakra located in our throat is also known as the Visuddha Chakra. The stone is of the Ether element. This chakra when activated will increase your communication skills and give you truth and expressionable abilities. You will be able to express your truth easily without fear.

Presented by the color blue, this is the fifth chakra in our body from bottom to top.

You can wear an Original Blue Topaz gemstone to activate this chakra in your body and remove the blockage. If this chakra is blocked, you will struggle to communicate and you will think about the worst-case scenarios and will avoid speaking truths.

Blue Sapphire Stone for Third Eye Chakra

blue sapphire stone for third eye chakra

The third eye chakra is located on our forehead, right between our eyes. Known as Ajna Chakra in another language, this chakra is for our inner intuitions and psychic powers. When this chakra is activated in your gut feelings or your intuition powers will work on a higher level. You will get connected to the higher powers of the universe.

Your imagination will also boost and you will become more wise. This chakra is not easily activated and it takes a lot of power to get this chakra energized and in sync with you.

A blue sapphire gemstone is one of the most powerful gemstones in the world and so wearing this stone will help you with this chakra. Its energies will help you concentrate more to focus on opening your third eye chakra.

When this stone is blocked you will feel disconnected from the universe and your imagination will also go down. Indeed, imagining a future or seeing your future will be difficult which will give you a feeling that you are exhausted in life.

Amethyst for Crown Chakra

amethyst for crown chakra

The Crown Chakra is said to be located right above our head. Some ancient people believe that this chakra is located at the top of our head while some texts say that this chakra is actually located right above our head in a no space or time dimension, and not in our physical body.

To activate this chakra is highly difficult since it is the highest chakra or energy center connected to us. Also known as Sahasrara Chakra, it is believed that those who can activate or control the energies of this chakra can control their age in time and can go on to live for thousands of years.

It connects you to the divine on a much higher level. And so it is said that if the energies of this chakra overflows the person can go mad.

The crown chakra is represented by the color purple. Amethyst gemstones can be worn to open this energy center as well as an Opal stone.