Numerology is a wonderful study area that explores the connection between numbers and certain events in people’s lives. Every number has vibrations and energy of their own and all such energies affect different areas of our lives. To anyone having the numerology number 7, such energy attributes and a proper matching of crystal gems is of much benefit in dealing with life issues, spiritual development, and success.
7 is the number of people who are born on dates - 7, 16, and 25 of any month.
In this blog, I talk about the lucky gemstones for the numerological number 7 and how the gemstones can benefit these people.
Meaning of Number 7 in Numerology
Number 7 comes under Ketu (South Node of Moon) a shadow planet that signifies spirituality, Sanyasa/renunciation. People with this number are perceived as philosophers, hardworking, and curious about everything going in the world.
Most often they find themselves interested in metaphysical sciences, philosophy, and the matters of life. But, Ketu gives isolation, excessive thinking, and changeable emotions. The energies associated with the number 7 can be beneficial if number 7 individuals put on the right gemstones.
Lucky Gemstones for Number 7
The best gem for the number 7 numerologically is Cats eye.
1. Cat's Eye (Lehsunia)
- Benefits: Cat’s Eye is only one type of gemstone utilized in association with Ketu. It was said that this particular gem has the ability to ward off harm, clear confusion and mood swings. Cat’s Eye does assist in improving intuition and opens the ways for a person to understand which course to follow in the spiritual world. This also protects from evil energy and banishes fear and thus is a perfect stone for number seven people who are inclined to self-contemplation.
- How to Wear: Cat’s Eye is normally worn in a ring or pendant in silver material. Regular consultation with an expert astrologer should be made before wearing this gemstone so as to determine its suitability depending on the birth chart of the wearer.
2. Amethyst
- Benefits: Amethyst is another significant gemstone for the people who’ve got number 7. It is used to relax, balance, tackle stress, anxiety, and any sort of emotional chaos. The effects of Amethyst are mainly based on spiritual and intellectual connection with the higher self and subconscious mind. It helps them to be cordial and at ease with themselves, and what they are going through emotionally, therefore they can easily keep their emotional state under check.
- How to Wear: Natural amethyst can be used as a ring, a necklace or a bracelet. One must clean and charge the gemstone often to ensure it conserves its power fully.
3. Lapis Lazuli
- Benefits: Over millions of years we have identified this precious stone with wisdom, truth, and light. It develops problem-solving skills, and helps in the development of intellectual skills and speaking skills. At the same time, Lapis Lazuli contributes to spiritual development and provides people labeled as number 7 with one answer and allows them to state their opinions and share ideas. This gemstone is best for any person who wants to explore his or her spiritual life path and the internal world.
- How to Wear: The stone can be worn as jewelry or you may place it in your work area or your living room, it will draw positive energies as well as mind development.
4. Clear Quartz
- Benefits: This quartz is called the “Master Healer,” it is very helpful for the number 7 individuals. It increases energy, clears the mind, and increases spirituality. Clear Quartz is also useful in centering the physical, emotional, and spiritual energies, thus its great use in people who practice meditation and other forms of healing. Due to its strong positive vibrations it is indeed useful when number 7 individuals are in need of better health.
- How to Wear: Clear Quartz can be put on as a necklace or carried in pocket. However, this visionary gem should be recharged and cleaned quite frequently to work effectively.
5. Moonstone
- Benefits: Moonstone is a gemstone associated with the powers of Moon and it is linked to feelings, spirituality, and development. It improves psychic functioning and facilitates a relationship with the Inner Self. Moonstone is said to bring tranquility; making it even more suitable for number 7 since the number 7 is associated with shifted moods. Self-realization is also promoted by this gemstone and because of this, the spiritual path of number 7 persons will be enhanced.
- How to Wear: Moonstone is available in rings, necklaces, or bracelets. It is, therefore, appropriate to cleanse and charge the gemstone so that it can remain strong as required.
6. Pearl Stone
The number 7 as per numerology comes under Ketu which is all about spiritual pursuit and self-examination. Peculiarly, numbers 2 and 7 are complementary to each other in a way that they make a complete cycle, sort of speak. The number 2 is the number of the Moon, thus meaning the Inner-self, Feelings, and Senses. Hence, the Pearl the gemstone to number 2 is also ideal to be worn by anyone with the number 7.
The Pearl thus charges up emotional regulation, instinct, and serenity to make number 7 individuals lucky charms. For those who own the number 7, the Pearl brings the positive qualities of calmness and nurturing and helps the owner to get more in touch with themselves.
How To Wear: The best way to wear Pearl is in the form of a ring in the little finger of the working hand.
If you identify with the numerology number assigned to you by numerologists, pairing yourself with the right gemstone will help bring harmony, spirituality, and health into your life. If one is gifted with the numerology 7 then Cat’s Eye, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Clear Quartz, and Moonstone will help enrich different spheres of your life. Such stones when selected and worn around one’s neck or as a ring in the right finger, can help one enjoy the Ketu influence and direction on their endeavors.
Use these gemstones and let them be your path in leading a successful and happy life ahead. Buy them now from a trustworthy source like Rashi Ratan Bhagya.