To live a healthy life and achieve peace of mind many people use meditation as an alternative therapy. Meditation provides several benefits to the person practicing it, such as helping to focus on the present moment and decreasing stress and anxiety. Meditation calms the mind which also results in lowering the blood pressure and heart rate. Meditation makes people self-aware and helps reduce anger and frustration. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate the habit of meditation every day, to live a happy and peaceful life. But, while meditating, many people get distracted easily and can not concentrate for longer periods. In this condition, it is necessary to use some meditation Gemstones, which help achieve inner consciousness and a higher level of concentration throughout the meditation period. You can wear these gemstones in some kind of jewellery or you can put these near during the process of meditation. In this blog, we are going to tell you about 8 top gemstones that help in achieving increased concentration and spirituality, please have a read.

8 Best Crystals for Meditation

  1. Amethyst
  2. Moonstone
  3. Lapis lazuli
  4. Tiger Eye
  5. Citrine
  6. Black Tourmaline
  7. Aquamarine
  8. Rose Quartz

Amethyst: Amethyst is hailed as one of the most powerful gemstones to increase concentration and peace of mind in the process of meditation due to its calming and spiritual effects. Amethyst helps in relaxing and achieving a deeper state of awareness. This mystical gemstone removes negativity from the surrounding environment which helps in achieving peace of mind and positivity. This gemstone is associated with the planet Saturn and is very beneficial for people with a Capricorn ascendant. This gemstone activates the third eye chakra of the wearer and helps in decreasing stress and purifying the mind from negative thoughts.

People also ask: Who and How to Wear Amethyst Gemstone?

Moonstone: Moonstone is a gemstone known to be connected with spiritual awakening and peace, since ancient times. This amazing stone possesses various metaphysical and healing properties that calm the mind of the wearer and increase concentration and peace of mind. This gemstone is associated with the planet “Moon” which is known to increase the power of mind and intelligence of the person wearing it. Moonstone helps in achieving higher consciousness and it activates the crown chakra of the wearer.

Lapis lazuli: This is a beautiful blue gemstone that has been used as a meditation stone for ages. This stone has numerous healing and calming properties which increase focus, wisdom, and peace of mind. Lapis lazuli gemstone is known to affect the throat chakra and third eye chakra. In some parts of the world, this is also known as the wisdom stone. This gemstone elevates the power of intellect, intuition, and self-confidence of the wearer.

Tiger Eye: Tiger Eye is a very powerful and versatile gemstone that helps provide mental clarity and ground the energies of both the sun and earth together. Tiger eye gemstone is used during the meditation process to increase the positive aura around the meditation place. This stone is also known to clear the energy blockages of the person wearing it by activating the solar plexus chakra of the wearer. Therefore, it acts as a catalyst to improve meditation power and concentration. In some parts of the world, this stone is also used as a good omen or auspicious stone which brings good fortune. This stone is especially beneficial for people with a Gemini zodiac sign since it helps them cope with their imaginative blocks and lack of decision-making ability.

Also Check out: Ruby vs Sapphire vs Emeralds: Choosing the Perfect Gem

Citrine: Citrine which is also known as “Sunela” can also be used to increase the power of meditation and to achieve a sense of emotional and mental well-being. This gemstone is known to increase the power of focus and clarity of mind. Citrine gemstone is a very powerful cleanser that wipes away negativity from the environment and increases the confidence of the wearer. It also activates the solar plexus chakra and increases the confidence of the wearer.

Black Tourmaline: Tourmaline is a very powerful stone that is used by meditation practitioners to help increase the power of meditation. It is used for realigning the positive energies within the body. It is also used as a protection stone which protects the wearer from several negative energies. Black tourmaline is essential to meditation since its inner positive energy serves as a shield that blocks all distractions from the environment and creates a calm and secure space for meditation. Black tourmaline also strengthens your energy connection with the Earth during meditation, which improves stability and focus. It releases the tension and anxiety which provides you the mental clarity required to explore your inner world. In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, this gemstone helps in clearing the energetic obstructions, so that energy can flow freely through all the chakras of the body.

Also read: Discover The Different Types of Emeralds: Ultimate Guide

Aquamarine: Aquamarine is a blue-coloured gemstone and is known to help the user establish a strong connection with the spiritual realm. Aquamarine helps the wearer in going with the flow and helps in removing toxic thoughts. It also clears out all the energy blockages by affecting the throat chakra of the wearer. Aquamarine gemstone is known to increase the psychic abilities and intuition of its wearer. This stone is the birthstone for Pisces and it is also advantageous for the natives of the Aquarius and Libra zodiac.

Rose Quartz: Rose quartz is used worldwide as a meditation stone because it is associated with the Heart Chakra of the body and it promotes self-awareness and concentration of the wearer. It helps in achieving a deeper state of calmness and relaxation which is necessary for meditation. It is also used as a healing crystal because it helps in alleviating problems related to stress, anxiety, and sleep problems. It facilitates people born with the zodiac signs of Taurus, Cancer, and Pisces.

Gemstone Recommendation


So, these were some of the most beneficial gemstones which helped in achieving a higher state of consciousness and spiritual awakening. Apart from helping to relax the mind of the wearer, these gemstones also alleviate various health-related ailments. You can also purchase these magical gemstones and incorporate them into your meditation journey to reap their astonishing benefits. You can buy the best quality meditation gemstones from