Crystals and Gemstones have been worn, carried, and used for centuries for their healing and spiritual powers. But they need to be recharged every once in a while to remove their negative energies and bring them back to their full potential. The best of all methods you can use to recharge and purify your crystals are through the use of the full moon. Moonlight is believed to be a powerful source of energy.

The energy on the full moon is strong and effective in clearing negativity both within and around the crystals and making them more charged. Here, in this blog, I will give you 7 different ways that you could charge your crystals under the full moon while making sure they remain full of energy or as some would refer to it as Full Moon Crystal Charging.

Direct Moonlight Exposure

  • Method: Take your crystals outside or put them by the window where they can lay in the light of the Moon directly for the whole night.
  • Explanation: The first is placing your crystals under direct moonlight is the simplest way to charge them with moon energy. This lets them fully draw in all the moon energy necessary for them. Make sure that the location is protected and no other hands will touch your crystals and I mean none.

How to Do It:

  1. Step - Select a calm and clear place that will allow seeing the full moon.
  2. Step - Wash your crystals before putting them out in the open or on a windowsill.
  3. Step - Stick them out at night to recharge them with the moonlight energy.
  4. Step - Collect your crystals the next morning.

Moon Water Charging

  • Method: You have to soak the crystals in water which is charged by the moon's energy.
  • Explanation: Moon water is a way of collecting ordinary water but storing the water in a particular place to be exposed to full moon light. This procedure fuses the washing effects of water with the charge from the light of the moon.Some people also drink the moonlight water to get energetic and get the blessings of the moon.

How to Do It:

  1. Step - Get moon water by leaving a bowl of water under the moonlight on the night of the full moon.
  2. Step - The next day you should seal your crystals in the moonlight water for about several hours.
  3. Step - Take out and dry your crystals as these are now energized with moon water.

Crystal Grid Charging

  • Method: Place your crystals in a geometrical arrangement on the night of full moon.
  • Explanation: Crystal grids are geometries intended to enhance the vibration of the crystals. Focusing on the laying of the crystal grid directly under the full moon ensures you increase the charging process through sacred shapes and moonlight energies. To amplify the energies of the other crystals, do keep selenite and clear quartz in your grid.

How to Do It:

  1. Step - Welcome back the energy of the crystal by washing it under running water and perhaps anointing it with sage. Choose one of the sacred geometric patterns.
  2. Step - After that, position the crystals in the grid pattern either outdoors or near a window.
  3. Step - To make sure the energy from the moon is collected, you have to make sure that the grid is not tampered with during the night.
  4. Step - Remove the signs in the morning and keep your charged stones.

Burial in Earth

  • Method: If possible, place your crystals under the soil at night, preferably during the full moon.
  • Explanation: This method anchors the crystal energy and charges it with lunar frequency. The presence of the moon on the earth is a double-edged sword since it acts as the cleanser and charger for the earth.

How to Do It:

  1. Step - Dig a small hole in a very sound and clean place.
  2. Step - Clear the hole and put the crystals there.
  3. Step - Now you should bury them under the soil and indicate that location.
  4. Step - Bury them or cover them in the ground for the next morning to dawn with the full moon.

Retrieve your crystals the next day and you would feel so grounded and ready to take on the day.

Moonlight Bath with Herbs

  • Method: Put your crystals in a container of herbs and put it outside where the light of the moon is going to shine.
  • Explanation: Adding the lunar energy to the physical properties of the herbs can help improve the results of the cleansing and charging of herbal products. Flowers including sage, lavender and rosemary have been certified to have a disinfecting touch.

How to Do It:

  1. Step - Fill a bowl with water and add some of the chosen herbs to produce a herbal bath.
  2. Step - Put your gems into the herbal bath.
  3. Step - Place the bowl outside or near a window overnight to pick up on the moon’s rays.
  4. Step - Take them out in the morning and pour clean water on them.

NOTE - Do not do this with Opal stone since opal is porous and the water can damage the gemstone.


  • Method: The full moon charging of your crystals should be done when meditating with them while focusing on your objectives.
  • Explanation: When charging the crystals, one can use other elements such as mediation and Intention to boost up the charging process since very special energy is designated to the stones. Situated consciously with a full moon it is much more effective, so if you attempt to fully immerse yourself into the art of using crystals you will be able to greatly benefit from their properties.

How to Do It:

  1. Step - Say what you want to say when the moon is bright and everything is as still as can be, either out in the yard or by a window.
  2. Step - Cleanse your gems with holy water and hold them in the palm of your hand.
  3. Step - The energies are effectively communicated through your eyes, ears, skin, and mind; so just close your eyes, breathe in and out, and let the moon’s energy in.
  4. Step - Develop specific goals and objectives as to what you want to bring to you by your crystals.
  5. Step - Closely imagine how the energy of the moon is enveloping your crystals with light and charging them.

Sound Healing

  • Method: Similar to what was explained when it was recommended that you energize your crystals, you should take advantage of the full moon and wash your crystals using sound vibrations.
  • Explanation: Another way on how to charge the energy of crystals – by using instruments, such as singing bowls, tuning forks or bells. Applying this with the full moon has a real feeling that can go a long way.

How to Do It:

  1. Step - To refresh the energy of your crystals, first wash them and then put them outside, or in a place where they will be exposed to the light of the full moon.
  2. Step - Use the sound healing instrument with clear sound and the tone should be resonant.
  3. Step - Cup the crystals and place the instrument close to them ensuring the sound waves reach them.
  4. Step - Maintain for several minutes more as you maintain the purpose of charging and purifying. Then leave the gems in the moonlight.
  5. Step - Collect your crystals the following morning, which has tuned into moonlit sound energy.


Through the power of the full moon, the charging of the crystals can be done. One can easily change the natural charges in their crystals. All the methods mentioned above can make your crystals stay bright and powerful. You can experiment with all these methods one by one and then choose the one that works for you the best. Your crystals or gemstones will bring you all their energies when you recharge them but they must be original so make sure you buy natural and lab-certified gemstones from Rashi Ratan Bhagya, a trustworthy seller of original gems.