16 Mukhi rudraksha is one of the most valuable and uncommon kinds of rudraksha, representing sixteen kalas (attainments and siddhi). The sixteen Mukhi rudraksha is used for a variety of purposes. Lord MahaMritunjaya Shiva's holy blessings are contained within the natural sixteen Mukhi rudraksha beads. It also bestows Lord Rama's benevolence on the wearer. Lord Rama's blessing promotes strong family ties, respect, and fame.
'Jai Rudraksha' is another name for the 16 mukhi rudraksha. The name itself denotes victory and assures victory over any foe. Sixteen Kala is also associated with this Rudraksha (attainments and Siddhi). The person who wears this Rudraksha with sixteen faces will be successful in all end eavours. This Rudraksha opens the passage of 16 attainments for the wearer by invoking 16 Kala of the Moon in the wearer. The wearer of this rudraksha gains 16 Siddhis and accomplishments. This bead is known as a Rudraksha, which means "victory" in Sanskrit, and it protects the wearer against a wide range of issues, including aches, terrible diseases, court proceedings, suffering, and adversity. It cures kidney, intestinal, uterus, ulcer, and low back pain on a therapeutic level.
The Punya of 7 births is likewise gained in the form of 16 Shakti by the wearer (Power). Arjun is supposed to have struck the Fish Eye while wearing this Rudraksha in the Mahabharat. This Rudraksha user will no longer be an average person; instead, he or she will transform into a powerful individual with a clear vision. This Rudraksha provides all comforts and purifies the wearer of all sins.
Significance and Origin of 16 MukhiRudraksha
The 16 MukhiRudraksha bead is one of the most sought-after Rudraksha beads in Nepal and Indonesia. The Nepali beads are larger and have deeply etched Mukhi lines, but the Java Indonesian beads are smaller and have visible Mukhi lines.
Lord Mahamritunmjaya Shiva's heavenly energies are contained within this auspicious bead. The sixteen Mukhi Rudraksha increases the wearer's full capacity and courage, bringing fulfillment in all areas of life. People in administrative positions, such as business people, legislators, leaders, managers, and public and private administrators, must wear the original sixteen mukhi rudraksha in order to successfully complete their duties and gain merited recognition and fame. As long as a guy wears Rudraksha, he will be granted all of his wants. When a man wears the rudraksha at the time of death, he receives actual salvation, as well as increased self-confidence and stress control.
Importance of Solah (Sixteen)MukhiRudraksha:
- Sixteen MukhiRudraksha is wonderfully effective and offers triumph, protection, security, and bravery.
- Sixteen MukhiRudraksha protects the wearer from a wide range of issues, including frightening sicknesses, unfavourable conditions, negative energy, nightmares, dread of loss, a lack of resources and assistance, and even the fear of death. This rudraksha aids in the recovery of acute illnesses.
- Wearing a rudraksha bead for 1250 times has the beneficial effect of bewitching Mahamrityunjay Jaap.
- This bead counteracts the Moon's malefic impact.
- The sixteen MukhiRudraksha aids in strengthening the relationship with Mahakaal, or Lord Shiva.
- It aids in the recovery of the kidneys, intestines, low back discomfort, and the urinogenital system.
- This Mukhi also aids in the victory of court proceedings and provides protection against a variety of issues.
- It balances and promotes the Swadisthan Chakra.
General Benefits of 16 MukhiRudraksha:
- Provides emotional stability, reasonable thinking, and a sense of security to the wearer.
- Increases self-awareness and capability.
- Gives you the upper hand in disagreements and legal proceedings.
Spiritual Benefits of 16 MukhiRudraksha:
- It grants victory in legal battles and disagreements.
- Keeping only sixteen Mukhi rudraksha at home protects the home from robbery, fire, and other mishaps.
- It strengthens the man's connection with Lord Mahamritunjaya Shiva and makes him courageous and trouble-free.
- It improves the wearer's physical, mental, and sensory abilities.
How to Wear Multiple Beads of 16 MukhiRudraksha
When wearing a 16 Mukhi rudraksha, there are a few things to keep in mind:
- In Ganga Jal, wash the rudraksha.
- On Monday morning, get up early, bathe, and dress in clean and fresh clothes.
- Sit in a comfortable position with your back to the East.
- Then, 108 times, chant the mantra "Om HreemHoomNamah" or "Om HaumJoom Sah" with an entire focus.
- This divine grade rudraksha can be worn in wool or silk thread, or it can be capped in silver or gold.
- This bead can be worn around your neck as a necklace or on your arms as a bracelet.
Who can wear 16 MukhiRudraksha?
- People in prominent administrative positions, such as businessmen, politicians, leaders, managers, and public and private administrators, must wear a 16 MukhiRudraksha in order to successfully execute their duties and gain merited Name & Fame.
- These beads can be worn by a devotee of Lord Rama to get His blessings.
- This rudraksha is beneficial to those who have a weak Rahu in their horoscope.
- This rudraksha can help people suffering from acute and chronic illnesses.
Rashi Ratna Bhagya deals in all varieties of rudraksha and gemstones. People who want to get the most out of this rudraksha should purchase an authentic, true, and well-developed 16 Mukhi rudraksha from a reputable and certified online retailer, such as Rashi Ratan Bhagya, the country's leading supplier and marketer of genuine beads.